Self love and vulnerability

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    Let me talk about something, talk about self love, that's important. How the fuck can you give a woman love when you don't love yourself? How can you give trust when you have trust issues? How can you expect honesty when you lie or sugar coat things? What is love to you? Not Webster's dictionary term but your own term for love. As a man, this what I think and you can disagree with me on this one but here's my perspective on this topic: I love myself a lot, yes I have depression and I'm an introvert, however, I love myself to recognize my beautiful physical features, I love myself to recognize when I'm wrong and to fix my issues, I love myself enough to put boundaries on myself so I won't make moves like how I use to, I love myself enough to open my mind, heart and spirit to wisdom, teachings, opportunities to grow as a human, I love myself to understand the difference between criticism and the hate from someone who's giving their opinion to me about me, I love myself enough to not go out and fuck every women I see because I know what'll come after that only because of how I connect with people, I love myself enough... you get it now?
    If I'm going to invest into a woman, I need to have self love first then I'll be able to love a woman when the time is right. Another thing to learn is vulnerability, you must learn to be vulnerable in order to fully and successfully be with someone, both partners must share that quality because both people have something to lose while loving the other. I'm putting my trust into you as you are into me, I'm giving you seeds to grow, nourish, properly take care of and help them seeds bloom just like you'll give me seeds from your foundation to do the same. If you give me nothing and expect me to build something with you then explain that to me? I give you things from my foundation that I believe will work for us both, those are my offerings but you offer nothing so that's when it's like why should I bother being involved with you? We could've been friends and build a friendship and kept it like that, then if you're ready for a relationship or a love life with me, then we could work on that but I'm still going to have the same principles. Yes we should be friends already and know things about each other but I will have to allow myself to be vulnerable in order to deal with you. If I can't do that then I don't deserve/want you so I just saved us from wasting any kind of time and energy. Others have opinions on how they'll go about things and that's okay, we all don't see the same things as others but I will say this, do whatever works for you but make sure the person have similar ideals because egos and mindsets that are different will collide and clash.

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