Appreciation and understanding

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   As I continue to write this book, I don't know how you'll feel about it, I don't know if you'll continue to read after certain chapters, I don't know if you care about this at all but if you do, I appreciate you for it, which drives me to my next point, for people who knows me, y'all wouldn't believe me when I say that one woman had put fear in my heart to approach her. People don't believe me but it's true, I wasn't scared of rejection or scared like what if I'm not her type, it was "what can I give her that she don't already have? What can I give her that she can't already give herself?" I want to be able to lay my cards on the table and show my hand but what if she got a better hand than me? What services can I provide to her because this a grown woman I'm talking about, she got 3 kids, a mortgage, a car and she gives off good vibes and she's into spiritually like me, plus she's 11 years older than me but that don't mean anything to me.
    What I'm getting at is, when a woman is independent and provide for herself, I love that shit, but it's a difference between being independent and you can handle things on your own versus dealing with a independent woman who will make you feel like you aren't needed for shit, like even the smallest things, I wouldn't want a woman to stop her way of making money, her daily routine or anything but I want a woman to understand I'm invested into her and I need that same energy. You got kid(s), that's cool because I love kids, I understand that you have to tend your child a lot and that's fine because kids come first before anything, I'm big on that, just let me know if I could assist in any kind of way. I feel as though in history, it's been men who really wanted women to just be housewives and don't follow their dreams and expect them to take care of the home problems, make the meals and wash the dishes and clothes, especially if she comes home from work, we (men) need to show a woman that all she does doesn't go unnoticed, it's appreciated and let me do some of the things that you do so you won't have such a load of things to do. We should take them somewhere to get some food, take her to get her nails and toes done, get your hair done, you know, just show her that you're happy to have her in your life and understand a woman will do anything for you if you give her reasons to do so. Little things makes a big difference.

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