Chapter 4

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Spinel's P.O.V

I awake from this very strange state of unconsciousness. Must be what Steven calls 'sleep'. It was very peaceful, I'll admit, but I gotta focus on this day as it stands now. I must get Steven something to eat, for without the proper material sustenance, he'll die. And that's the last thing I want. However, as I go to sit up, I'm surprised to find that the floor is lot more springy than I remember. Then, I feel this weight restricting me from moving. Looking down, I'm even more surprised at what I see.

Steven's clinging onto my waist in his sleep!

I feel my cheeks get discolored and wonder how I ended up in his admittingly warm and comforting hold. He probably took me off my spot on the ground at some point in the night and brought me into his 'bed'. Oh my, was it because of my nightmares again? Stars, looks like he knows about those now so I'll more than likely be hearing from him about that later.

Now though is all about feeding.

"Mmm.." Steven mumbles, pulling me closer to him. I let out a tiny high-pitched squeak, surprised at his actions.

His eyes begin to open, "Oh.. Morning Spinel," he smiles at me. My face feels so warm I can hardly stand it. Steven notices and realizes the position we're in. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He pulls away and now I feel cold again.

"It's okay Steven," I give him a genuine smile. "I didn't mind it, you humans probably do it a lot on your planet."

"Uh, yeah! We do. It's called cuddling. Friends do it, people that are more than friends do it. It's a way of showing affection," Steven explains to me sitting up in his bed. He then takes him arm off me, which makes me feel a bit sad though I can't explain why. His lower flesh mound then makes this strange gurgling sound, reminding me of his need for food.

"Your stomach is talking to me, Steven. It's clear we need to get you something to eat!" I say, stretching my left arm out like a lasso and wrapping it around his still good one so that I've gotten a surefire way to keep track of him. I then slide of his bed and begin traversing down these steps, nearly dragging Steven behind me.

"Woah, Spinel! What's the rush?" He asks confused. I guide him over to this tall standing chair with a single cushion mounted on top and lift him up to then set him right back down onto it. I then go around to the U-shaped interior of this whole mix and match of human culinary contraptions.

"There's no rush, Steven. I just...don't want you to go hungry on my watch," I answer, stretching up to some of the wooden doors a bit off the ground. I open some and find these weird packages of flour, sugar, and something called paprika. I quickly close that one, seeing nothing in there remotely helpful.

"If you're looking for the breakfast ingredients, Pearl usually keeps the pancake mix in the cabinet on the right of the fridge," Steven pipes up, though I have no idea what a 'fridge' is.

He notices my look of confusion because he stands up from his chair, and walks over next to me. "No, your not supposed to be moving!" I try to push him gently back.

"Spinel," He touches my shoulder. "Just because I lost one of my arms doesn't mean I need to be pampered like a baby."

I look away, "It's the least I can do after I know it's my fault you lost one of your appendages."

"Spinel I.." He's cut off by the door opening.

"Steven! I heard what happened I'm so sorry I haven't been around to see you, my house got wrecked from the injector," The girl who was with Steven at the hospital says before stopping, and looking at me. "What's she doing here?!". I immediately get in front of Steven, ready to protect him in case this human female meant any harm.

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