Chapter 3 | Slytherin

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The Great Hall erupted with applause once the Sorting Hat had finished with its song.

"Now, when I call your name. You shall come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head. And you will be sorted into your houses." McGonagall said picking up the Hat on one hand and a rolled-up parchment on the other.

"Hermione Granger"

She looked frantic as she walked up to the platform; people were whispering behind her.

"Mental, that one I'm telling you" called from behind Harry. He turned to see the person that so rudely commented Hermione's performance, and saw no other than Ron Weasley.

"Gryffindor!". The Gryffindor table erupted with cheers and applause to welcome their new fledge member.

"Draco Malfoy"

He made his way up to the platform with a smirk, he sat upright on the stool, and as soon as the Hat brushed his head, "Slytherin".

"Of Course", Ron commented.

"Bet, he's gonna end up dark, every wizard in Slytherin does". A few more went by, four Hufflepuff, six Ravenclaws, three Slytherin, four Gryffindors.

"Ronald Weasley".

"Hmm, Another Weasley, I know what to do with you, better be Gryffindor!" once again the Gryffindor table exploded with cheers and Ron who was now at the side of his brothers extended a hand out to Hermione who was sitting across from him.

"Harry Potter". Harry made his way to the platform, bearing all the whispers of the students that occupated the Great Hall.

"HMM, Difficult very Difficult. So much courage and bravery. Such wisdom too. A thirst to prove yourself more than anything and that's what I shall do, Slytherin" Everyone was silent, no applause, no cheers, just silence.

The Sorting Ceremony was over and Dumbledore said a few words then he allowed them to eat. With a flick of his wand, thousands of plates appeared on top of each of the four house tables. Harry's eye illuminated when he saw the amount of food and the variety. Harry never received enough food from the Dursleys, which is why he was so thin and boney. Harry never attended the doctor's office to get checked up, but within a mile, anyone could have guessed he was malnutrition.

"Looks like you've seen a Ghost Potter" He heard a familiar voice say next to him.

It was Draco Malfoy, Harry was so distracted by the dazzling beauty of Hogwarts that he hadn't taken notice of who resided next to him.

"Are you ok Harry?" A girl with black short hair asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just... never seen this much food" a shiver went down his spine.

"Hi, I'm Pansy Parkinson," she said stretching a hand out to Harry.

"Harry, Harry Potter," he said shaking it.

"Yes I know" she sniggered.

"Want to talk about why you were so shocked to see this much food Potter? I though muggles had food too?" Draco said biting into his apple.

"Um... Yeah, there is food in the m-m-muggle world, but my Uncle or Aunt never gave me much of it, which is why I have no muscle"

"Ha, That's not even skin, that's just Rawbone," Draco said.

"Draco, be nice. Look he's been starved, Try to help him not make it worst" Pansy said beginning to pile various amount of food on Harry's plate. Harry looked petrified, there was no way he would eat all that.

"Baby Potter needs help eating" Draco mocked.

"Come on Draco, stop being such a stinking arse. I will jinx both of you if you don't act nice. We are in the same house, which means we are on the same side." Pansy warned.

"Well, if I were you, Potter, I would take her threat very seriously. I have been on the receiving end of many of her jinxes and it isn't pretty."

"You can start by my name, Harry" He extended a hand and to his surprise, Draco shook it. A few moments later they were all being escorted to their houses by their House Prefect. They were led down flights of moving staircases until they came across a corridor. At the end of the Corridor stood a stone brick wall, which disguised the Entrance. The Prefect looked and made sure no one from any house was near to see the entrance.

"First-Years, this is the entrance to your house. Make sure that no one that isn't Slytherin knows this" He said knocking on the second brick from left to right.

" All houses need a password or Identification to get in. In this case, you will have a password, The password is "pureblood". You can not mention this password to any other students from different houses" He said as the bricks were slowly pushed forward and then out of sight. 

"This is the Common Room, where most people hang out outside of class hours." Harry was admiring every pebble that the room was currently holding. From the green flamed fire, to the green walls with moving picture frames, to the green stained windows which gave a clear view to Gigantic Wormhole Black Squids the inhabited the lake. He was amazed, he was thunderstruck. His glaring and astonishment were pulled; Draco was directing him to the corridor that their house prefect was now leading them through.

The corridor contained numerous doors that were attached to its walls. There were 16 doors in total, 8 on each side. Each door had an enchanted piece of wood that named its room. First-Year Boys, First-years Girls, Second-years boys, etc. The Prefect led us to the door that was labeled "First-Years Boys" told us that our luggage should all be inside, to unpack, and get a well-nights rest. 

Harry, Draco, and a few other Slytherin Boys walked into their Dormitories to find five, Four-poster beds evenly spread out around the rectangular room. Harry chose the bed to the right of Dracos' and all but a window space separated them. On the opposing side of the beds stood five equally space wardrobes, for them to store clothing and other necessities. In the middle of the five wardrobes was a door that led to the bathroom. Four toilet stalls, three shower spaces, and two sinks.

Everything was drenched in green and silver. The beds had Green covers and grey pillowcases, the bathroom stalls alternated from green and silver, and the room was green with silver stripes.

"This is outrageous, My father will hear about this! How can this ridiculous school only have three bathrooms when there are five of us! Have you seen this Harry?" Draco shrieked as he entered the dormitory's shared bathroom.

"What's wrong with it?" Harry asked already use to the low life he held with the Dursleys.

"What's NOT wrong you mean? My bathroom is at least twice as big as this one. And more.....sanitary." He said wiping a finger through the old mirrors, that floated in front of the two sinks.

"Come on Draco, Stop being a Prat and get some rest," Blaise said. Another first-year boy, who was dark in color, dark brown bushy hair, and hazel eyes.

Draco took a deep breath and made the obvious and less painful decision of not whining about their bathroom to change into their sleeping gowns and get much-needed rest for the following day. 

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