Chapter 8 | Date

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"Haaaaaryyyy, wake up you're going to be late for your date" Draco groaned shaking the raven-haired boy, that was in a deep sleep on his four-poster bed.

"What date?" Harry questioned as he didn't want to get up from the bed.

"Heard of Amanda Avery?" Draco said as he crossed his arms. Suddenly he jumped up from his bed and had a shock and frightening expression on his face.

"My date! With Amanda Avery!" Harry screamed. He ran out of his four-poster bed and into the bathroom. He ran out from the same bathroom two minutes after, hair wet, toothbrush on the mouth, and a towel around his waist.

Draco giggled, he was amazed at Harry's excitement. He along with the other three boys in the dorm watched as Harry both panicked and got ready. After 5 minutes Harry was seen turning the doorknob in the First-Years Dormitory and making his way towards their Common Room.

"Good Morning Harry! You look.....Great" Amanda was trying to hold back from blushing and trying sound normal, but in reality, she desperately wanted Harry. Harry was wearing a White Long-Sleeves undershirt, with Black Slacks that Draco had let him borrowed, some skinny black jeans and sneakers.

"You too look gorgeous Amanda" Harry replied cheeks burning. Amanda was dressed casual but her body structure made it look 10x better. She wore a mini shirt with a Slytherin Green Blouse tucked in, black flats, and a Sleeveless light green shimmering coat. They looked at each other up and down one last time, Amanda biting her lips while Harry rested a hand on the back of his neck.

"So, What do you have in mind for today?" Harry asked as Amanda took his hand and leading him toward the rock wall which was an exit.

"You'll see," she said biting her lip once more. They walked Hogwarts for about 5 minutes when suddenly they stopped at a door. She leads him in, and what he saw shocked him.

" A Picnic?" He giggled as he looked into Amanda's eyes. It was more of a Breakfast Picnic. It had chocolate covered strawberries, ham and cheese sandwiches,  grapes, orange juice, boiled eggs, and pop tarts (😂). The room, however, wasn't in the same mood. Harry thought to himself, suddenly the from shifted its appearance from a dull empty Classroom to a magnificent meadow. Harry's jaw dropped, he looked at Amanda once more and she had a smile upon her face.

"Guess you've never heard of this room. This is the Room of Requirement, it only appears in the time of need, and it will transform to whatever you need" she explained as she leads Harry to the Picnic sheet and sat him down while sitting herself down the opposite side.

They had sat there for nearly 2 hours talking to each other about themselves, they talked about Quidditch, and some classes as well. They were having a wonderful time, but it was almost 11 o'clock and classes would start soon.

"I think we should go, the class will start soon," Harry said as he stood up and gave her a hand. She nodded and got up.

"I had a good time Harry, I hope when can do this again." She said grabbing Harry's other hand and standing in front of him.

"Yes of course, but this time..." he stopped himself as he planted a kiss on Amanda Avery's soft and pink lips.

"I will take YOU out" he finished as he broke the kiss. Amanda couldn't help but blush, she took out her wand and cast a quick Order Spell at the picnic. After it was all cleaned up, they left together hand in hand, heading towards the dungeons.

"Look who finally decided to show up" Blaise smirked as Harry and Amanda walked through the Rock wall. Harry pecked a kiss on Amanda's lips and they separated. They all had the same expression on their faces, smirks.

"Potter's got himself Girlfriend" Draco sang.

"Shut up" Harry was blushing madly. He went towards their dorm to get ready for class, he took off the Slacks and White shirt and replaced them with his Slytherin Robes. After 5 Minutes he was walking towards the Slytherin Common room once more where his friends were waiting for him.

They walked out together through the Rock wall on their way to class, Harry and Draco to Potions and Blaise and Pansy to Transfiguration.

"So, how was the date?" Draco asked. Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at him as he had intentions.

"It went well" was all Harry said.

"Oh, Come on Harry. I am your friend, I am supposed to be happy for you. Why do you antagonize me?" Draco said pleading Harry to open up and talk gossip.

"We have a picnic, and I promised her to take her out on a second date" Harry looked down as to not show his face because he was blushing. Draco smirked.

"Do you like her?"

"Of course, she's perfect.....and hot"

They both giggled at Harry's desire and walked into Potions. That day they had to try to brew the potion Armortensia, the strongest Love potion there is. It is said it smells to what you are attracted to the most. Once the Potions were made, Harry started to smell sweet aromas.

Ocean, cinnamon, hot chocolate, and a perfume he so much recognized. He looked down and blushed once more. Draco saw his movement and started to smile, he hit Harry in the shoulder, and Harry knew that he knew what he was smelling.

During lunch, Amanda was sitting across Pansy,  when Blaise, Draco, and Harry walked into the Great Hall. Harry took a seat next to Amanda and Blaise on the right of Pansy and Draco on her left.

"So how was your day guys," Pansy asked the unofficial couple.

"Um... good. We had to brew Amortensia in Potions today" Harry said Awkwardly.

"Oh yeah? What did it smell like?" Blaise joked

"Um... t-the ocean"

" hmm, what else" he continued

" Cinnamon" at this point Amanda and Harry were both Blush out of embarrassment.

"What else Harry?" Pansy started


"Whose Perfume Harry?" Amanda Questioned now jumping in.

"Um... y-your" he finally said giving in. They all giggled and Amanda admired how cute Harry was when we were embarrassed. Pansy has told Amanda about Harry's lack of food, so she now would find any moment for Harry to eat.

Amanda and Harry finished eating lunch and excused themselves from the table, heading out to the Slytherin Common Room.

"So I was thinking" Harry started

"What were you thinking Harry" Amanda continued giggling.

"Maybe we could have our next Date after my Quidditch game this Sunday." He said sitting down in a love seat and Amanda sitting close to her Raven-Haired boy.

"But today's Monday, we have this whole week," she said playing around with his hair.

"Yeah, I know. But I have practice every day in the afternoon. They really want to teach me everything I need"

"Oh, it's fine then. Sunday will do. I have a question though." She intertwined her fingers with his. Harry looked up at her eyes and saw she was troubled.

"What's wrong?"

"What are we?" Harry's stomach dropped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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