Chapter 4 | Gryffindors

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Harry arose extremely early, so much so that it was still dark in their Dormitory. He was accustomed to specifically wake up at around half past five, to prepare the Dursleys breakfast. But that day he woke up at a quarter past six, getting more sleep than normal. Harry made his way to the trunk which was at the foot of his four-poster bed, grabbed his brand new Slytherin crest robes, and headed over to the showers. He took off his nightgown, neatly folded them, and placed them next to his fresh robes on top of a white quartz counter.

He started the water and gave a small jolt as the cold touched his warm bare skin. He let some seconds pass before him when he finally walked into the water, letting the warm liquid run through his body, drenching him. He stood in warm water, bathing, for nearly two-quarters of an hour.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed out the shower towards the sinks where he'd placed his robes. He changed quickly and headed back to the dormitory. Draco was woken up by the slam of the bathroom door, Harry now had behind him.

"GOod MOrnInG," Draco said through yawns. Harry gave Draco a friendly smile and walked to his bed. He placed his nightgown under his, now fluffed pillow and began to make his bed.

It was three-quarters past eight and all the boys were up and getting ready for the first day of class, putting on their new and pressed robes representing their house. Harry waited for Draco and they began to walk up to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"So how long we're you up for?" suspicion raising as each word left Draco's lips.

"Woke up a quarter past six"

"Lord, Why did you wake up at such time?" Draco said, suspicion leaving without a trace.

"I'm used to it, earlier actually. Half-past five is required of me when I was with my Uncle and Aunt."

"Those filthy muggles, I would have jinxed them a long time ago" Draco's anger and frustration getting the better of him.

"As much as I would love to jinx them, they are still my family, my blood. Plus I didn't know I had magic."

"Ohhohoo, Harry potter! How are the Slytherins treating you Mate? Hoping you were a Gryffindor already?" the small boy named Neville said while bumping a hard shoulder into Draco.

"You really shouldn't have done that MATE" Draco spit back immediately taking a hold of his wand which he stored at the side of his trousers for safekeeping, and pointing it straight at Neville. Shortly after, a girl with bushy brown hair that was standing next to Neville pulled out her own wand and pointed it at Draco.

"Put the wand down and let's settle this like human begins," she said waiting for his reaction.

"Don't get into this Granger, this is no place for a mudblood!" he grinned as he saw the look on her face when he came upon the word.

"Draco Malfoy! Put that wand down. You are wasting your precious time arguing with these blood traitors" Pansy Parkinson said coming onto the scene and holding her wand close to her. Harry noticed that everyone had their wands at the ready and wondered if he should have too. so he hastily and swiftly picked the wand that resided in his back pocket and took it closer to him, although, he didn't know any spells at the moment that could have helped him.

"Potter! Did you know that your new best friends are You-know-who supporters? Yeah, their parents were the most faithful to the Dark Lord." Ron charged over to the commotion and Draco lowered his wand.

"That was THEIR parents. They don't have to be the same" Harry shouted from behind Pansy.

"What if they are? Who's stopping them give you up when the next Dark Lord rises?" Neville mumbled while massaging the spot in his throat in which Draco pressed his very sturdy wand.

"I choose to believe in them, if they choose to turn me into the next Dark Lord then I know who is who," Harry answered grasping Pansy's and Draco's arms and leading them toward the Great Hall.

"Blimey Draco, first day and you are already picking fights? What did they insult, your hair?" Blaise joked. Draco grunted as he sat at the other side of the table.

"What's your timetable, Harry?" Pansy shot to Harry.

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Flying " he said unfurling a piece of Parchment he took out from his bag. Pansy took his Timetable to inspect it, then she gave a loud sigh and returned the parchment back to Harry.

"We only have a few classes together, I'd hope we would have more."

"Draco and I have the same classes as Harry," Blaise said munching on the sausage that was stuck on his fork. Draco was filling his silver platter with bread and bacon, and Pansy eating some Strawberries and Grapes.

Harry, on the other hand, took a sip of pumpkin juice that drenched the inside of the silver goblet which stood in front of the empty silver platter. Instead, Harry took an interest in looking around the Great Hall, admiring the delicacy of everything, to the enchanted candles that floated above their head, to the enchanted ceiling that portraits the exact weather they had. Once they had finished eating breakfast they were obligated to split up, Pansy having a course of Herbology and Blaise, Draco, and Harry having Transfiguration. They arrived at their Transfiguration class and found seats behind some Ravenclaw girls. Draco sat with Harry while Blaise sat next to Gregory Goyle, another Slytherin First-year.

"Good Morning, I am Professor McGonagall. In this class, you will acquire the skill of transfiguration. Can anyone tell me what Transfiguration is?" She stood leaning against her wooden desk that was at the head of the classroom, while rolls of two lined up until they reached the back of the classroom for each student to use. Hermione immediately raised her hand, and with exhilaration jumped up and down in her seat.

"Ms.?" the professor asked

"Granger. Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure" Hermione answered as she straightened up and held her head high.

"Very good Ms.Granger, Ten points to Gryffindor. Now this year you will not learn much of this branch of magic, instead, you will learn its background." everyone sigh and made a fuss to this. Learning its definition and going over what they would be going that year took the whole class time. 

Sorry I edited this and I took out a big chunk, and in-process got new ideas, kinda. this chapter in short but I swear I do better.  

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