Chapter 5 | Dream

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Hey Guys, How are you? I am currently writing this on my 2 months of quarantine. I know I'm supposed to have more time to write and way more chapters published, but it's so hard to concentrate sometimes. But that's ok because I'm trying to do better. Anyways I was going to ask you guys to comment on any ships you would like to see in this FanFic. And what are your Favorite ships?  

As they walked out from Transfiguration they headed down into the Dungeons, where their common room and upcoming class resided, Potion. The corridors down in the dungeons were frigid, caliginous, and uncanny, as they inhabited the deepest parts of Hogwarts. As they strode on the last step of the ever-changing staircases that led to the dungeons, they met with their house ghost, Bloody Baron. 

"Bloody Baron? Why do they call you that?" Harry asked while the ghost floated beside them. 

"Well isn't it obvious" he extended both arms out giving them a clear view on his attire.

"Who's Blood is it? Is it your own?" Draco asked intrigued.

"The Blood begins to the Grey Lady, and the story is for another year," he passed through the nearby wall disappearing, leaving Harry, Draco, and Blaise at the foot of the doorway of their POtions classroom. 

"Who's the Grey Lady?" Harry asked.

"The Grey Lady is the name of the Ravenclaw ghost. Her human name was Helena Ravenclaw" Blaise responded.

"The founder of Ravenclaw house?" Harry repeated. 

"No her daughter" 

"Arent you a know it all Blaise" Draco sneered. 

"Well I find Hogwarts: A History very interesting," he said proudly.

"Of course you do, Book worm" he insulted. The three of them walked into the gloomy classroom, having to adjust their eyesight to the dullness of the classroom. They meet gaze with Pansy Parkinson that was stationed at the front of the class. 

"Why are you at the forefront of the class? Pansy has anyone told you that you are extremely rubbish" Draco insulted.

"Blimey Draco, can you be more dim-witted. This is Severus Snape's Classroom." Pansy said as Draco took a seat next to her, Harry and Blaise following. 

The following instant the door blew open and a dark-coated figured came rushing through, and up to the front of the class.  He was extremely young, the youngest Harry had seen out of all the professors. He had Raven-black hair and a more than normally long nose that in this case complemented his features. his face showed no sign of happiness, instead, it was completely serious, and a tad miserable. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I expect your time to be extremely enjoyable here. But not in this class, here you will learn how to brew a draught that can kill you instantly, a counter potion for that same draught, and many more like these. You will not be permitted to lack concentration in this class, and there will be no fooling around." he enclosed his pitch-black robe around himself pacing around the classroom taking in the faces of his new student.  

"You come up" He pointed out to Harry. He jolted up a bit and emerged from his seat, walking to the vacant spot next to Professor Snape. He was about to take the last step on the miniature platform when his robes slipped in under his last step tripping him face front onto the hard pavement. A wave of laughter came rushing into Harry's ears as he laid on the steps embarrassed, and completely unsettled. 

He felt two sets of hands gripping both his arms attempting to help him up. When he looked up Pansy and Blaise stood next to him, stabilizing him next to Professor Snape, Draco Malfoy still sitting on his desk, no movement portrayed.

"What's your name, Boy who can't stand on his own" Professor Snape asked.

"Harry. Harry Potter."He saw Professor Snape gave a small jolt of panic, but then walked himself back to the confident state in which was in. 

"Right then go back to your seat, since today is all about introductions, so you will write me a parchment long essay on you. What you want to learn in this class, and your expectations." he dismissed the class once the period was over and sent them off to their next class. 

Harry regained the grip on his body and recovered from the shock and embarrassment. They made their way up to the third floor to attend their next class, Charms. None of them spoke, they just advanced. At last, they reached their classroom and sat neighboring each other. The class went by slow, harry not paying attention, still on the incident in the potions classroom. The rest of them not very interested in the art of levitation, but more on the lunch period that was taking place after that period. 

At last, they were dismissed from Charms, and with extremely hungry stomachs made their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Harry outdistanced himself from Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, still taking in everything that was going on. Since that night that Hagrid came and told him he was a wizard, he hadn't really taken the time to process it well enough, to question whether it was a joke or a dream. 

Harry didn't head for the Great Hall that afternoon, instead, he decided to stroll around the corridors, taking in everything he could before he awoke the next morning in the cupboard underneath the stairs at Number 4 privet driver in Little Whinging. He decides to walk around the school ground and enjoy the little time he had left in his dream world. On his way, he passed many intersections of corridors, in one of them he bumped into a girl.

"I'm sorry" Harry apologized, his head looking down and his hand in his pockets. 

"Holy crickets, you're Harry Potter," she said.

"Yeah," he said finally meeting up to her. She was a very attractive girl, her coal-black hair braided and laying on her shoulder. Her Light Grey eyes looking up at Harry with an amusing stare. 

"Well, my name is Brooke Burke. I'm a first-year Hufflepuff." she extended her arm shortly outward waiting on Harry to take it. 

"Nice to meet you," He said simply ignoring the hand, slightly bowing, and continued on walking.

"Where are you going? The Great Hall is that way" She pointed in the opposite direction.

"I'm not really hungry, just going out to walk a bit, well if that's all it was nice to meet you." She shuffled away looking back once in a while until she was out of sight.

Hey guys, if you are reading make sure to reread my previous chapters for I have changed quite a bit. Please comment, vote and follow. 

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