Side Story: Strength Doesn't Need Common Sense...?

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26th Cycle. Year 53 of the Nymphs. Willmonth the 31st.

Summer holidays Ryu brought his friends home to party in his father's den.

"RYU!" Came a roar from behind the rocky mound of their home.

"Tch," Ryu clicked his tongue and roared back, "What'ya want Old man?"

"Ya goin' ta school in Mid-City next term! Take ya war beast friend with ya!"

"Make me!"

"Ya mother's moving yer stuff into ya new house right now."

As the father son duo yelled across the mountain, his friend Lee took the rest of their friends to raid the food.

Mid way through a yell, Ryu smells the food and abandons arguing with his father in favour of fighting over his food from his friends.

The party continues with tests of strength and other games. As Ryu claims victory after victory, with Lee coming in close second, their friends leave in a terrible physical state.

The two boys lay on the couch as Ryu's father, the Dragon King, sneaks into the room. Ryu raises his eyebrow,

"Mum back?"

The Dragon King nods his head,

"So ya better clean up this mess-"

A gust of warm air slapped their faces as Ryu's mother stood in the doorway with her small blue wings out.

"Hmph. I'm feeling good today so I'll help you replace the walls." Ryu groaned, but his mother just turned her head to Lee.

"Lee, as the second strongest of your generation, feel free to pummel some manners into my son. Apparently, royalty from other races will also be attending the Hero's classroom."

The Dragon King scoffed,

"What nonsense about a class for the research team." The Queen shrugged,

"Sending the most powerful of their generation is not unordinary if they are to stop the humans from experimenting useless things again."

The Dragon King grabbed a drink from the fridge and skulled it down,

"Boys, make sure to not let anyone give us trouble from now on, ey?" Then he kicked his son off of the couch and into the rubble of the wall Ryu had just destroyed.


*Image by Artie Navarre from Pixabay

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