chapter 12:the attack, part two

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A/n: this may be out late so if it is im sorry. I never really get things done on time so yh but this one will hopefully be longer than the last one. There will be a few time skips but appart from that it will be action packed. Enjoy.


as darkness fills the room, i try to push myself up. i put my hand to my temple and felt for blood. i hadn't been shot so who was. i look above me to see Conner laid on the floor. the darkness was closing in, the room was getting smaller. i felt a hand placed on my back and under my legs. someone was cradling me, they ran, which made me keep my eyes open for longer. i look over their shoulder to see Conner become surrounded. i try to speak but it was silent. Jericho became silent, androids surrounded the almost dead android, i had been removed from the main room. i rolled out of the androids arms and stand up. tripping, i run over to Conner pushing anyone and everyone out of my way. i sat down next to him and placed my cold hands over his gun wound. "Conner, what have you got yourself into." i mutter, tears streaming down my cheeks, he looks up at me and mutters something. "what, Conner, what did you say?" i mutter making myself even more dismal. "i love you." he whispered. i smile and hug him. "i love you too Connie." i lean place my head on his cheast as his eyes close. Markus notices what had happened and offered to help conner. Once i had moved out of his way he fixed conner. Conner slowly woke up and smiled. He stood infront of markus, "we have to go, now." Conner shouted. Worrued i looked over to him. "They know where Jericho is." He ran towards the second deck to see thousands of soldiers storming in. He shot most of them, but markus hed pushed him asside and shot the rest. "Conner, you have been shot once, its not happening again, get everyone off of Jericho." Markus ordered. Conner grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him. "Everyone hrab a gun we have to go." I screemed. They all listened and grabbed guns. One grabbed two guns, one for them and one for me. He threw it to me and i caught it putting extra ammo unto my pocket. We all charged out onto the second deck to help markus. We all shot but some ran to look around to make sure no one else was there. North had got shot in both legs and was unable to walk. "Cover me."i shouted running over to north helping her up. I pulled her around a corner and told her to act like she was dead. "They wont kill you if you act like your already dead." I muttered. She nodded and did as i said. I run back to the group shooting anyone that walked in. Until, one specific person did. "Seize fire, no need to shoot." I shout. Hank walks in shaking his head. I look down at the floor and put my hood up. "Hi, dad, please leave, i dont want to hurt you." I mutter. He dissobays me and runs towards the control room. "Keep 'em on the ship." He screeched from down the hall. Officers blocked the exit and entrance to Jericho. I run towards hank and push him over. "Dad, you will get yourself killed." I said. He shook his head. "And you dont care if you die huh?" He whispered. I pinned him to the floor. "Dont get killed, dont be just like her," i shout, "i dont want to loose you too." I fall into his chest and he holds me tight. "Y/N, k need you to get markus to blow this bitch up." He said. I nod and we stand. Hank runs towards the door and i run to markus. "Markus, we need to blow this bitch up." I say. He looks at me confused. "Ok, Y/N, ill blow it up get everyone out." He answered. I nodded and ran to the door. All the officers had left but one lonesome hank. He let us all leave and he shut Jericho for good. The boat slowly starts to set fire as we all jump into the water to get to land. I place my hand on the now blocked of exit and i hear markus banging on the door. When everyone was in the water i let him out. Hank hadnt waited he had taken conner home. Markus and i jumped into the cold water and watched Jericho burst into flames. I hug markus, tears streaming down my cheeks. He hugs me back trying to comfort me. I pull away and swim to shore. "Stay safe markus dont let them see you." I shout before leaving. Memories fill my head. Mum had left for another night out, dad didnt exist, i had a babysitter even though i was 16. The babysitter had pressured me to do what she wanted me to, making me drink,smoke and otjer things like that. I started to dissobay my own family and it payed off until this very day.

(Time skoooopppp)

I walk through my front door, my clothed sticking to my body. "You bitch," hank shouted, "you let him go." He walked out of tje kitchen and punched me in the face causing my nose to bleed heavily. "Hank, stop this." Conner shouted. Hank continued to hit me until i had fallen to the floor. There was a loud banging on the door and conner pulled it open. "Hello conner, you called." Conner pointed a man in my direction and asked what happened. Conner pointed at hank sitting on the couch. "He happened." Conner muttered. Hank looked up at him and shook his head. "If she hadnt of let markus go this wouldnt of happened." Hank whispered. The officer put hank in cuffs and pulled hum outside. Suddenly, everythin went black.

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