chapter 15: christmas with conner

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A/n: i know its after christmas but i couldnt write before hand cuz of hw but i will finish it before the end of the school break. Enjoy.

Flashback- green heart
End of fb- yellow heart


I push off my covers and jump out of bed. I run to my mums room and wake her up. "Wake up mum its christmas." I shout causing her to sit up. I run out of the room and grab our androids wrist. I drag billy (our android) down the stairs with noah running infront of me. Noah is my 4 year old brother who sleeps all day. "Hurry up mum, noah wants to open presents." I yell up the stairs waiting to hear her walk to the landing. "Alright, calm down Y/N, im coming."
She replied. Once she got into the lounge we all started to pass around gifts until one was left. I pulled it out from under the tree. The label read:

To Y/N,
From your dad

Well since i didnt know my dad i opened it in my room so no one would see what it was. I pull open the box to reveal a picture frame with me and my parents i guess. I looked two or three and i was being held by my father. I placed the frame in my draw and hid the small box under my bed.

I wake up covered in blankets. "Conner,whats the date today?" I muttered. "Its 25th december mostly known as christmas day, Y/N." He answered. I shot up and hugged him placing a small box in his hand. "Merry christmas connie." I whisper pulling away from the hug. He opens the box to reveal a dog tag with O/S/N (our ship name) engraved on it. He pulled it over his head and kissed my cheek. "Thank you Y/N." He said. I noticed a ring box on the floor next to his bed. "I actually got you something to." He muttered placing his hand over the box. I put my hands out and close my eyes waiting for the gift but i didnt feel it. I open my eyes to see conner on one knee. I stand up as soon as i can ready for what will happen. "Y/N, will you marry me?" He asked, i noticed a look of worrie in his eyes. "Yes, connie." I answer softly kneeling down to hug him. He pulls away and puts the ring on my finger. I inch closer and closer to him and soon fill the space between us.

A/n: i know what your thinking, another authers note. Well,it had to happen. I thought i would make this christmas scene short and sweet. Thanks for 390+ reads it means alot to me. Also i wrote this at 11:55 so if  i messed up anything please correct me in the comments i dont care if you pick up on any of my spelling mistakes just correct them when you can. 💚💚💚

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