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  The talk
A week after Cheryl had gotten sick she had never felt worse. She would throw up a lot more and get light headed she thought she was gonna die. She didn't understand why she was so sick. She had never done anything in order for her to get sick. All she did was stay inside all day. She lacked vitamin A,B, C etc. She didn't care though. Her pale skin couldn't take the heat,cold,snow,rain,hail,sleet. Anything basically. "Hi princess." Toni said opening the door. Cheryl sat up quickly. "Ti-" "I'll have you know my name's Toni. You don't have to call me that dumbass name sweets and fangs gave me. They were just fucking around." She said smiling. "Y-you just curse like that?" Cheryl asked. She wouldn't never admit that Toni cursing scared her. She wanted to tell her so bad that she didn't like swear words because her father had never even let her think about them before.

"Toni?" Cheryl whispered and Toni put the rag on her head. "Yeah?" She said continuing to wipe her sweaty forehead. Cheryl out her hand onto of Toni's to stop her. "I've got it." She said moving tonis and and wiping her own sweat. "I just wanted to help." Toni said shrugging. "I appreciate it but I don't like to be touched." She said looking down. "Do you mind me asking why?" Toni said sitting on Cheryl's bed. She would never admit she was afraid of getting to attached to the redhead. She was scared she'd disappear as the rest of them did. "My...mommy." She said putting the rag down. "Your mother?" Toni said curiously, not wanting to be to pushy. "She used to come into my bedroom and-" "Cheryl, I heard about what happened at the bookstore are you ok?" Jason said walking in. "I'm fine Jason." Cheryl said. "I just came to check you know before I headed out." He said smiling at Toni then leaving.

Toni turnt towards Cheryl. "Wow, if I were hurt id expect my brother to stay with me. Care for me ya'know." Cheryl shook her head. "JJ never showed much interest me. You'd think because I was his sister he'd care about me but to be honest me and JJ have never been close before. It's normal for twins I guess." Toni looked at Cheryl confused. "Your twins?" Cheryl nodded. "Jason's a senior though." Toni said. "That's what I said to daddy but he told me not to question him. Then he sent me to my room." Cheryl said. "Oh." Toni said. "You should rest." Toni said getting up to give Cheryl space on her bed. "Kay." Cheryl whispered laying down. As Toni was walking away she spoke up "T-thanks." "For what?" Toni said Turing around. "Everything." Cheryl said closing her eyes as Toni turned off the lights and closed the door.

2 hours later
"Mommy?" A 7 year old Cheryl said getting out of bed walking down the hall. "Get off of me!" She heard her father scream. She ran down the hall and opened her parents door. "Daddy what's wrong?" As she walked in see saw her mother with a knife to her father's throat. "Mommy what are you doing!" Cheryl screamed. "Get out you un-greatful bitch!" Penelope yelled. The next thing Cheryl knew her mother was on the ground. Blood. That's what she had on her hands. "Mommy?" She whispered looking at her mother who was gripping her side. "Daddy?" She said looking at him. He hurried and got up to comfort Cheryl. "Hey, hey look at me." He said holding Cheryl's hands in his. "It's ok, you saved me baby. You saved me." He said hugging her.

"No!"Cheryl yelled out. "No, I didn't kill mommy. I didn't kill mommy! I didn't!" She said gasping for air as Toni ran into her room to make sure she was ok. "Hey, hey." Toni said trying to gain her attention. "I didn't kill her. I swear!" Cheryl screamed. "Cheryl baby. Stop!" Toni yelled. Cheryl immediately stopped. "It's ok, it was just a dream. You're alright. I've got you." Toni said not expecting Cheryl to hug her so tightly. "Shh." She said as Cheryl sobs became louder. "Manny?" Cheryl whispered. "I'm Toni Cher."She stated. "M-Manny." She said louder pointing to her closet. Toni got up confused and went into the closet, to reveal a teddy bear and a small doll. "This?" Toni said pointing at it. Cheryl sniffled and nodded rubbing her eyes.

"Here." Toni said giving Cheryl her bear. Cheryl leaned over to lay her head on Toni's lap as she played in her hair. "T-thanks." She whispered. "Cher-" she sighed. "You've got to stop doing that." She said sitting Cheryl up. "You've got to stop shutting down. I mean I love comforting you and yes it makes me smile when I see you smile but, I can't help if I don't know what's wrong with you. Please, I'm begging you. If it's something I can help with tell me." Cheryl looked down the entire time. "B-b-but you'll h-hate me." Cheryl said through hiccups. "I could never hate you beautiful." She said putting a lose curly red strand behind Cheryl's ear. Cheryl sighed then looked up, ready to tell Toni what she had been wanting since day one.

"I-im a- a little." She whispered. "A little? Cher what do you mean?" Cheryl looked up. "Well...from what I've been researching and my prior knowledge, a little is  someone that likes to act younger then they really are. It's kind of like having an alter ego that's much younger then yourself." Cheryl explained. "So, you act like a baby?" Toni's confusion was all over the place. In a way she understood but in another she didn't know what to say,expect,do. She was just there. Confused, and making Cheryl even more nervous because she wasn't saying anything.

"Toni?" Cheryl said tapping her shoulder. Toni was still staring into space. "T-toni?" She said again tapping her shoulder. Cheryl began to get scared. What if she hated her? What if she got so mad she would hit her? What if she- "My beautiful baby. How do you feel?" Clifford Blossom said entering the room. Cheryl smiled, finally someone who could fan the awkward energy out of the room. "I'm good daddy, I feel alot better now." He smiled. "Does that mean Toni did a good job taking care of you?" He said Turing towards her. "S-she did a great job daddy." Cheryl whispered looking down. "Alright then, bath time is at 10:00 tonight instead of 8:00." He said. "Oh, I almost forgot. Here's your pay Toni." He said pulling out a $100 bill. "Uh, Mr.Blossom-"

"Call me Clifford." He cut her off. "Uh-i- Clifford, I don't need this I didn't do anything really Cheryl's recovery had nothing to do with me. Her immune system is just-" "Eh eh eh just take it, Cheryl dear tell Toni goodbye so I can read you your story and we can play chess." He said leaving closing the door. "Well....uh....bye Cheryl." Toni said leaving as fast as possible. "Bye." Cheryl whispered under her breath and she sat in the bed thinking about how stupid she was.

"Why." She thought as her eyes began to water.

Done: November 10
Published: November 29

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