road trip | P. PARKER

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Peter glanced up at the sound of your voice.

"I-I don't doubt that they would." Peter laughed nervously.

"Mind if I sit?" You asked softly. "Ned and Betty were getting way too comfortable up there." You physically shuddered at the thought. "Gross."

He shook his head vigorously. "I don't mind at all." He eyed the empty seat beside him and awaited for you to fill it.

You plopped yourself next to the boy and grinned. "Thanks Parker."


It'd been two hours into the bus trip and you and Peter were currently watching a random baking show that the bus television provided when the vent croaked loudly, shooting out a stream of chilly air.

You tried to stifle the shudder your body let out from the cold, but it did not go unnoticed by Peter.

"You cold?" He whispered.

You nodded. "Yeah, but I'm fine, I'll just," You shuffled closer to the boy and slowly placed your head on his shoulder. "You're warm." You hummed happily.

"Uh," Peter huffed, his heart rate going miles fast. "Are you—" He quickly realised that your eyes had fluttered shut and that light snores began to escape from you. Peter smiled at the sight.

"Cute." He mumbled, and continued to watch the baking show by his lonesome. Peter really likes cupcakes.

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