Chapter One

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Obsidian walked into the training room with confidence. Jaspers were easy, even entertaining to train! Although she would have to endure the therapy Spinel's endless chatter, the gem was certain nothing could set her off.

Then she looked at the group. These weeks are going to suck.

Yellow Diamond's most elite Obsidian had been tasked with training Jaspers from the Earth's Beta Kindergarten after the shattering of Pink Diamond, in Yellow's hope that they would serve some use. So after a few days relaxing with Orange Spinel, Obsidian was ready to whip these gems into shape. The training gem had expected a group of strong, tall, muscular gems. Instead she had received a tall noodle, a red tree stump and an awkward blonde, the hue of a Ruby. At least the one in the corner looked fine.

 Obsidian buried her head in her dark grey hands and pulled at her orange-streaked black bangs and short hair. Her orange freckles glowed with fiery annoyance. Obsidians were small gems, just a bit taller than Rubies, but were built with endurance in mind. These gems could only be shattered by the strength of a Diamond, or their own. 

"Ahem." Obsidian looked around at the unnoticing gems. " AHEM. Thank you. I am Obsidian, your personal trainer and director for the next two weeks, and I will be working you gems to your limits every single day until you are strong enough to challenge me." Murmurs and giggles ran through the room.

"How are YOU supposed to train US? You're barely half my height!" The common looking Jasper interjected while walking over to the trainer. The Earth gem towered over Obsidian and smirked. The freckled gem smiled sweetly. 

"Are you trying to... challenge me?" The Jasper nodded. "There's always one gem in every group who tries..." Obsidian sighed, huge balls of lava hovering over her clenched fists. Obsidian's glowing eyes flashed. "Fight me."

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