Chapter Five

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A/N: Woohoo! First person who's actually interested in this! Thank you for saving it and voting! I also finally drew a picture of her when she was in Yellow Diamond's court! I'm not great at drawing but here she is:

A/N: Woohoo! First person who's actually interested in this! Thank you for saving it and voting! I also finally drew a picture of her when she was in Yellow Diamond's court! I'm not great at drawing but here she is:

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What do you think of her design? Tell me in the comments below! Now let's go!


"No no no no no!" Freckles cried out. Six Peridots stuck their heads out of their small rooms to glare at her before returning to their work. "This can't be true... Can it?" She turned away from the open wall.

"My Obsidian?" A stern looking Peridot said. "I am aware that you require my vertical chamber, however I can not allow you to- AAAHH! You- your face! It's BROKEN! Your FACE is SHATTERED!" She screamed in terror and confusion. Obsidian turned one of the many monitors onto a video view screen. The Peridot was right. Two splits ran down her cheeks, starting at her eyes and didn't stop until underneath her chin. Lava flowed like tears in the deep cracks and burnt the floor as they fell.

"They're... gone. Forever." Freckles said hollowly. "Pine Ruby... gone. Biggs Jasper... gone. Ocean Amethyst... gone." Obsidian's voice was dull and it was a sound of quiet horror. 

"I can't- I have to go." She stood up and trudged briskly to the nearest ship available. Two Rubies were debating fiercely outside it before they noticed the steaming gem.

"M-my Obsidian! What are y-" The Ruby was cut short as a burst of magma shot out of Obsidian's hand and continued with the other gems surrounding the ship. Gems clattered onto the ground as their forms dissipated. Stomps echoed in the now empty ship as she stormed up to the console and set it on a route to Earth.

"I should probably let off some steam... I'll just go shatter some rebels and come back. No biggie." Obsidian muttered to herself.


It didn't take long for Freckles to arrive on the late Pink Diamond's colony. She sped to get off the ship and set off in an uncharted and unexplored forest on the hunt for traitorous gems.

"Garnet. GARNET! This is NOT the time!" A voice scolded from behind a large set of trees. "You need to be on watch. That means watching out for Homeworld gems, not examining yourself." A traitorous Garnet? Those high ranking gems would never rebel. Suspicious, Obsidian peered through the forestry and saw a Pearl looking sternly up at a... a... a fusion?! Freckles nearly fell backwards in surprise. A Rose Quartz in a long white gown sat on a tree stump and gazed at the fusion in awe and wonder.

"Crystal Gems..." She hissed through gritted teeth. Obsidian burst out of a pile of foliage, teeth bared and magma hovering above. "Surrender," Obsidian yelled, looking all around. "Surrender and your gems MAY be spared." Garnet stared at the gem.



Been up in a bit of a rut but I hope you like the chapter.

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