Chapter Six

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Obsidian jumped back in surprise.

"Who- What are you and how do you know my name?" She hissed in an attempt to regain her cold composure.

"Don't you realize?" The fusion asked, hands reaching out with open palms, a gem on each. Slowly, the tall gem shrank as the two gems unfused. A Sapphire and a Ruby stood hand in hand for a moment before the red gem ran into Obsidian's arms. One of her old trainees held her in a tight hug as realization dawned on Freckles.

"Rubes?" She asked incredulously. "I- I thought you had been shattered!" Ruby and Obsidian grabbed each other's hands before pulling into another strong embrace.

"Me? Shattered? No way! Not with your training!" Ruby grinned. "They- the Quartz soldiers that is -faked it so that they didn't have to come back here." Slowly, Freckles noticed the sharp stares of the other gems.

"Mind introducing me?" The Sapphire asked in a sharp and scolding tone. "Who's your unforeseen HOMEWORLD BUDDY?!" She took Ruby's free hand into hers and shot a glare at the both of them. Ruby felt heat rising to her cheeks as an unmistakable blush formed.

"Sapphire... meet Obsidian, the reason I was assigned to you." Sapphire's gaze quickly shifted from hatred to apology. "Freckles trained me to be the gem I am today, and I'm thankful for our friendship," Ruby explained. "When I was sent to Earth with you, I had to be trained to protect Blue Diamond- and you of course -from the rebellion!" Obsidian let out a small sigh of relief. Thankfully, Ruby had chosen not to mention that she was told to protect mainly Blue Diamond and that the protection of her Sapphire didn't matter.

"Mission failed then..." The Pearl remarked to the Rose Quartz, who let out a small giggle in reply.

"Mind introducing me to the other," Freckles shuddered involuntarily, "Crystal Gems?"

"Oh! Right! This is Sapphire, love of my life..." Ruby joked. Sapphire shoved Ruby with a laugh before fusing once more.

"And I'm Garnet," the wide-hipped gem said. "This is Pearl. She belongs to no one, before you ask. And trust me, you were going to ask." Garnet winked her third eye at Obsidian. "Rose Quartz is the leader of the rebellion. That's we have with us currently. Unless..."

"Unless what?!" She exclaimed.

"As Garnet, we can see many different futures, not like Sapphires, who see only what is the most probable. And one of those futures has you staying. With us. Your mortal enemies. The infamous Crystal Gems."

"Really?" Obsidian asked incredulously, before noticing the looks the others gave her. "No offence. I get why... The Diamonds are corrupt rulers who force gems into their regimes, and no one should be subject to their rule. But they're the DIAMOND AUTHORITY. You can't just waltz onto Homeworld and shatter three more Diamonds. They're huge! And terrifying! And they control the entire universe!" Freckles sighed and then smiled a sad, small smile. "Those are my kind of odds. I'm in" Garnet grinned at the unsure Pearl and shocked Rose Quartz.

"Welcome to the rebellion."

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