Chapter Two

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Out of nowhere, Obsidian's legs whipped out, knocking her pupil to the ground. As Jasper tried to right herself, one of the floating orbs of lava fell onto the floor, hitting enough in the Earth gem's face to hurt her but not quite enough to scar or impair her or her gem. The second ball of lava hovered directly over the gem on Jasper's nose.

"This is why she's the boss," Orange Spinel whispered to the rest of the gems. The magma dissipated quickly and Jasper got up and stood in a perfect salute. 

"My Obsidian."

"That's better," Obsidian said. "As I said before, you will all be worked to the bone. However..." Obsidian let out a loud sigh. "Today we will be working with HER." The freckled gem's dislike was loud and clear as she guestured at Orange Spinel.

"Well helllllo everybody! My name is Orange Spinel, but you can call me Citrus, and I will be working with you as a therapy gem!" Citrus' puffed yellow gloves nearly flew of her stretchy hands as she waved wildly at the Jaspers. "For our first activity, we will just sit down and get to know each other, maybe make some nicknames..." The Jaspers glanced unsurely amongst themselves for a brief moment before Spinel's elastic limbs pushed them all into sitting positions. "We'll start with..." Citrus looked around the room at all the puzzled Jaspers before choosing. "You!"  Spinel pointed at a Jasper who looked very uncomfortable. Her gem was on her forehead, and was in the shade of a single strip of yellow hair. Her skin looked liked an apple, bright red, especially her blushing cheeks.

"Hi...? I'm Jasper, I guess," the blushing gem said awkwardly. "You can call me Red, maybe... Possibly? I don't really know." Obsidian raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the Jasper.

"Okaaay?" Citrus said, looking a little confused. "You can go next. So tell us, what should we call you?" The midget Jasper climbed to the top of the thin one's head excitedly.

"Carnelian!" She exclaimed.

"What?" Obsidian and Citrus said simultaneously.

"CAAARRRNELIAANNN!" She screamed again before scrambling down the taller gem's head.

"Well then." Citrus said awkwardly. She cleared her throat and looked at the last remaining imperfect gem. "Ahem. And what should your nickname b-"


"But I didn't even fini-"

"Skinny," The tall, thin Jasper said deadpannedly. "You can't tell me you didn't think it too." Citrus looked away, heat rising to her cheeks. 

"We should probably give our amazing Obsidian a nice nickname too, don't you agree?" Citrus suggested, brightening immediately. All eyes turned to the training gem.

"Whaaaaaat? No. Absolutely not. Never." Obsidian turned away, both in denial and to hide her bright pink cheeks.

"It'll be funnnn..." Spinel convinced.


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