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I have been in a huge rut.

I have three stories on the go for opening chapters for watt pad, and two more separate novels that are wip. One is on chapter 18 and is getting really close to the climax.

Probably no one will read this, I lost my one fan a while ago.

But if you see this and you like the story I'm sorry. 

The Star Rose (one of my separate wips) is taking up all of my energy left after rehearsals, school, homework and sports. I might post the prologue for the star rose on my profile to see if I get any feedback and if people are interested. Idk yet.

I'm sorry I'm such a shiddy writer.

I hope you'll forgive me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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