Chapter 5

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Shaking those thoughts from your head, you refocus your energy on what you need to do to break her. Mimi has to come running to you for help again, so you can win back her heart.

Ring, Ring.

Saul: Hey boss. Got that picture you wanted.

Sam: Great, text it to me.

There is the stick with a big + in the middle

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There is the stick with a big + in the middle. Your heart skips a beat knowing that you're going to be a daddy. You knew it was a possibility when the condom broke the night you "consummated" your marriage to Mimi several weeks ago, but now to see proof. Your baby is growing in her belly and now she can't ever get away from you.

Sam: Thanks, Saul. That's what I needed to know, now I know what I have to do. Oh, did you know about Mr. Jacobs trying to hurt Mimi last night?

Saul: One of my guys just sent me the video of it from last night. Man, your girl has some skills and lots of spunk. I emailed Kyle the surveillance feed from the incident. I will get some of my guys memberships so they can take turns watching out for her, besides it won't hurt them to bulk back up. Some of them have been letting themselves go and need to firm back up. Let me know if you need anything else, boss. Congrats, Daddy.

His laughter still going as you hang up on him and toss the phone on your desk. The wheels of your brain are already beginning to spin.

Sam: This changes everything. Mimi shouldn't be working so hard, it has to be bad for the baby. My baby. Kyle, please come in here.

Kyle: Sure, what's up, boss?

Sam: I've got somethings for you to tell "that law firm". First, we want Mimi to be the new manager, no more interviewing schmucks, she needs to take over. Second, her first duty will be to find a replacement for teaching her classes.

Kyle: Ok, will do. Anything else?

Sam: Yeah, I need to you compile a list of the best OB/GYN doctors in this city and make an appointment for Mimi with the one you feel is the best ASAP.

Kyle: Are you going to let her know that you know her secret now?

Sam: Of course, I'm not letting her go through this alone. She's my wife after all, and that is my baby growing inside her. I want to be there every step of the way, can't wait to see the first ultrasound of my son or daughter.

Kyle: Boss, I'm not really sure that the wedding you had in the 4th grade is legally binding.

Sam: My dad is a minister and I still have the marriage certificate we signed. Stop looking at me like I'm crazy. I know it's not legally binding, but now that my baby is growing inside her, you can be sure our next one will most certainly be.

Kyle: Any thoughts on how to get her down the aisle to you for a second time?

Sam: That's easy, once I tell my mom about her first grandchild inside Mimi, she will tell Mimi's mom and Mimi's dad will get out his shotgun for sure.

Kyle: The question is then, will that gun be pointed at you or Mimi during the wedding?

Sam: Her, most definitely her. Our moms will need help getting our wedding together quickly.

Kyle: I'll go take care of what you gave me and find a wedding coordinator for your moms to contact when they feel they need help.

You can't keep the smile off your face as Kyle leaves to make those calls. Grabbing your cell phone off the desk, you dial your mom's number to let her know the good news.

Sam: Hey Mom. Guess what?

Mrs. Waters: Judging by the level of happiness in your voice, I would have to go with you found Mimi.

Sam: Yes, I did and the news gets even better than that, Mom. I rescued her from a drunk guy about a month ago and one thing lead to another between us and now we're having a BABY!

You hold the phone away from your ears to protect them for a minute while her screams of delight fill the air.

Mrs. Waters: My first grandbaby. WOOHOO! How is Mimi feeling? Any morning sickness? Has she told her folks yet?

Your mind wanders a bit as she begins to ask a thousand questions.

Sam: Sorry, mom. I think Mimi is ok, she doesn't know that I know she's pregnant, but I haven't seen or heard about her being sick in the mornings yet and no as far as I know she hasn't told her mom and dad yet. I need to go make some plans. Do you remember our first wedding?

Mrs. Waters: From when you were in the 4th grade, of course, it was so cute and sweet. We were so sad to have to move away before you started 5th grade. You and Mimi were so perfect together and you probably would have ended up together after high school if we had been able to stay. I am so glad your dad finally retired and you were able to get our old house back next to the Hansen's. I have missed Georgia all these years.

Sam: I know, Mom. I wish we hadn't moved either. That is water under the bridge, but I found her again and we're having a baby. Kyle will give you the name of a wedding coordinator to help recreate our first wedding. Do you think you can do that in a month?

Mrs. Waters: I think so, it was so simple. I'll run next door and tell Georgia what's going on than we will call your person and between the three of us we should be able to get everything ready. Have you talked to Mimi about getting married again?

Sam: No, I will tell her tonight when I take her to dinner. Give Mrs. Hansen a kiss for me and I will talk to you later. Love you.

Married in the 4th gradeWhere stories live. Discover now