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"How...How do you..." I started, but couldn't finish the sentence due to being drunk. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

"Indie. It's Mikey. I'm going to get you out of here," he said slowly, so I could understand.

"No, no, you can't, let me go," I slurred as I started to struggle out of his grip. Why was he so tall? "Let me go, I wanna stay."

"Indie, you can't stay."

"My name is not Indie, let me go."

"You're name is Indigo Calypso Darenger. You were taken from your home by rogues. They brainwashed you into thinking your family had taken you. You need to come back home," Michael was saying. But he had to be lying, the rogues were my family.

"Liar. They're my family. They care. Oh yeah, and they're here. DEU! ORVAR! LENUS! I'M BEING K-" I started saying before Michael roughly shoved his hand over my mouth.

"What do you think you're doing? You have had way too much to drink."

I started shouting in the mind-link to my family. HELP!!! TAKEN!!! HELP!!! I was hoping they would hear, but in the meantime, I bit his hand. Hard. He pulled it away, and I said, "That was not very nice." I realized that Michael still had his hands around me and that they were a bit too low. "Why are you holding my butt?"

"For one thing, it distracts you, and for another, I've found it makes it harder to get away."

I giggled. Who was he again? Oh yeah, he was Michael. I decided that I could play his game, too. So I came closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I want another drink. More drinks, more drinks-"

Michael cut me off and said, "You are past drunk already, no more drinks for you." I giggled and came even closer. We were nose to nose, now, and Michael looked like he didn't know what to do. I leaned over, as if to kiss him, and his grip slackened, a little bit. So I kneed him in the- um -family jewels and spun and ran. A great thing that came with having healing abilities, is that drunkenness wears off fairly quickly if you're not loading drink after drink in. So after about 5 minutes of running, the alcohol wore off. I searched and searched for Deu. Before I could find her, though, I felt someone grab my arm. I spun around to find not Mikey, but a really tall and buff black haired man. He shoved a cloth over my mouth and the next thing I knew, I was in his arms and then I blacked out.

"Get up," I heard a deep voice say, as I laid on the ground in an unknown place. "Get up," he reiterated, and I remembered something Lenus had told me. There is one thing you never, EVER do to a rogue. And that is giving them an order. Because they'll do the exact opposite. "I said get up."

 I rolled over so I could face the person speaking. "Yes you did," I noted, "Twice."

He growled and pulled me up roughly. "Tell me your name."


"You dare defy me?"

"Well, I wouldn't call being cautious defiance, after all you did pull me out of my party and take me here." I looked up at the man in front of me. He looked about to be 35 and had scary black eyes. I asked him, "Beta? Or warrior wolf? You're definitely not rogue." He growled. "So, Beta then? Of what pack?"

"Gryfder. And you, Rogue, are coming with me to see the Alpha. I'm sure he'll have a few choice words for you."

"Oh I'm sure he would. but I'm just not feeling the whole, 'Meet the boss,' sort of vibe. So why don't you just let me go?" I suggested, pouring my influence into the words.

For a second, it looked like it had worked, and he became confused. Then his eyes cleared and he said, "Sorry, Rogue. Now let's go."

"Mmmm... No. I don't think so."

"Suit yourself," He said as he bent down quickly and shoved the cloth on my face.

I woke up chained to a chair.

What the hell?

In- Artio, what happened?

You don't remember?

When you get drunk, it detaches us from you for a while. We just woke up. Where are we?

If I'm not mistaken, the Gryfder pack. I believe the Alpha wanted to speak with me.

Well let's get out of here, then!

We started to pull against the chains, only to have them bite into our skin. I cried out in pain. Silver. Where did they get silver chains?

Now how do we get out?

"Hello?" I called out to the empty room around me. It looked like I was in a basement, with concrete floors, walls, and ceiling.

"Ah, the sleeping rogue awakens. I've been waiting for you to wake up for a long time. What's your name?" a mysterious male voice said from the back of the room. There were no lights there, so I couldn't make out his figure.

"Tell me yours."

"Ooh, feisty. I like it. We don't get enough feisty ones around here. But really dear, this would all pass quicker if you just cooperated."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

The man tutted. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. You are quite beautiful and worth much more when whole, but alas, it is your choice." A man stepped out of the shadows on the wall, the same brutal one as before. He was holding a knife. "Silver. 100% pure silver. Very hard to come by, but, here we are. Perhaps you would like to tell us your name now?"

I stayed quiet. Unfortunately, rogues had too much pride to be frightened into answering questions they don't want to answer. The man sighed. "You could have a great place in our pack, you know. You could be Luna, if you so desired, and if you performed admirably. Unfortunately, you are but a pup, and do not understand these kinds of things. If you would just tell me your name... I wouldn't have to do this." As soon as he said the last word, the man with the knife came forward and sliced some skin off of my upper arm. I cried out. Any injury made with silver takes 1000 times longer to heal and causes 5000 times more pain. "I am sorry my dear, but if you just tell me your name, I could call him off. i could protect you from this." Again, the man sliced, this time on the opposite arm.

"Go to hell," I bit out.

"Such language for one so young. Thirteen years and a month on you, young rogue. I don't want to hurt a pup. It's against my morals. So why don't you tell me your name, and we can heal you up, huh?"

"I'd rather die than betray myself to an abusive Alpha. Is this what you do you all of your pack? Torture and threaten them? The Earth Mother does not support you're pack and wishes it destroyed, and so it will be." The Beta cut me again, and a muffled cry came from my gritted teeth. "You will never have our Mother's respect or love. She granted you power and you have abused it. You deserve death-" The Beta cut me multiple times, so many that I wondered how I wasn't yet dead.

"Enough! I am the Alpha and you will do as I say! Now TELL ME YOUR NAME!!!"

I smiled as I felt the room shake. "She will protect me. I need not fear. My Mother loves me and so I will be rewarded for never betraying her. I love you, Mother. If it is my time to fall, I will fall into your arms gladly. If it is not, I will protect you for all the days of my life, no matter how costly it may be. I love you." The room gave one final shake and the ceiling fell in. The rubble of whatever was above us littered the ground around me and something eventually fell on me and I blacked out.

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