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Flashback (Lenus's Past)

You might say my life took a downward spiral from there. I never returned to my one and only home to see what had happened to Richard in fear that I might do more harm than good. I lived in the woods, alone, for over a year, stealing to get what I needed, hunting to get what I could. I was too scared to leave the woods, afraid of coming across another "Alpha". I had no idea what they were, but if they all were like the one who had killed Jane, I didn't want to meet any others. I did talk to people, and I was amicable, but I moved on from them, never getting close. I moved every day, moving farther and farther north. Sometimes I had to turn back and go south, or west, or east, but the majority of the time I moved north. Don't ask me why, I just did.

I lost track of days. I kept time by the full moon and position of the sun in the sky. It was high noon twenty-six full moons (I was roughly 15) after I had left home, when I saw her.

I was deep in the woods. I carried a backpack that held personal care products along with a change of clothes, all of which I had stolen. I had a blanket strapped to the top of the bag and two knives in the side pockets. I also kept one in my hand at all times, in case I came across an animal to kill. I never cooked them, just ate in my wolf form. I was looking around for some game when I saw her.

We were far in the north, and I wore a jacket over a sweatshirt and some sweatpants and boots. The girl didn't seem as fortunate. She wore a ragged, thread-bare shirt, some torn jeans, and was barefoot. She had blonde hair falling over her face, and was crouched over a small fire. I cautiously approached her. When I was just three feet from her and it was obvious that she hadn't noticed me, I carefully said, "Hello."

Her head whipped up and a pair of bright green eyes met my gaze. Her eyes were filled with fear and were big and round. She tried to jump up and back away, but fell on her way up. She started to back pedal. "Wait," I called to her. "I don't want to hurt you." I could tell she didn't believe me. Heck, I wouldn't believe me.

I had gotten stronger over the years. My muscles were more defined and I was less lanky. I never looked myself in the mirror much, but I assumed my face was at least dirty. "Please, believe me. I have clothes, and food, if you want some," I offered.

That made her stop. She visibly shivered and looked at me hesitantly. "You won't kill me?" she asked in a small voice.

"No, I promise. Scout's Honor." I held up three fingers on my right hand to show that I meant it. She slowly crept back to the fire. "How about a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" she asked.

"I give you some food and clothes, and you teach me how to make a fire. I'll even throw in some hunting lessons, if you want."

"I can hunt. I don't need your help with that. But I want some clothes. And a weapon. I'll teach you to make a fire in exchange."

I thought it over for a second, then held out my hand. "Deal. I'm Carter, by the way."


"So, are you homeless or...? You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I added quickly.

"No, I'm not homeless. It's just my first time shifting didn't quite go to plan and I got lost. I'm trying to find my way home," she said looking into my eyes. How did she know about shifting? Or better yet, how did she know that I knew about shifting?

My eyes widened. "Are you a wolf-blood too?" I asked quietly. She nodded. "There are... more of us?"

She had a confused look on her face and said, "Well, yeah. Of course. Didn't you know?" I shook my head. There were more? I wasn't alone? "So, you're not a rogue?" My face must have been pure confusion, because she just said, "Well, I guess technically you are, you just don't know it."

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