Asking Anu

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I looked at Orvar as he told his story, completely engrossed. When he talked about his friends, though, even if the story was funny and lighthearted, he had grief on his face. He paused in his story and looked down at his hands. "What happened next?" I asked, cautious.

He sighed and stood up. "Nothing. End of story."

I laughed incredulously. "What? No it's not. You haven't even told me about your first change! Or, what about this Missy girl? What happened there?" I stood up too.

"Nothing. I turned to a wolf and then I was captured and brainwashed. Story done." He shook his head and turned away from the fire. "I need to hunt." He walked into the woods and started taking off his clothes. I turned my back on him and turned back to the fire. The others were sitting on the stumps around the fire. It seemed like they broke off in the middle of an important conversation to see what was going on with Orvar.

I walked over and sat moodily by Deu. "What did I miss?" I asked.

"Well, we don't know. We're trying to figure out how it all works, but it's all way over our heads," Lenus said.

Did they even think to consult with a higher power? It might not be over Her head.

"Did any of you consult with the Earth Mother yet?" I asked.

I was met by three What? stares. "I'll take that as a no."

"We never even thought about it," Deu said.

"That's actually a really good idea," Mikey said.

Of course it's a good idea. I came up with it. 

"I'll go do that. You guys keep trying to figure out what's going on," I said and walked out into the woods.

This is exactly what I mean. None of them even thought of the Earth Mother. 

I'm sure it just slipped their minds.

The Earth Mother shouldn't just slip your mind! She is everywhere, everything, and everyone! She shouldn't "slip your mind". 

I know, I know, calm down sis. They just need to be more open to the Earth Mother, that's all. And they are more open than most. After all, at home we learned about Her, but we didn't worship Her or pray to Her, or anything. At least they meditate to Her out here. 

I know, it's just infuriating. She deserves everything from us and we can't even spare Her a second thought. 

I know, Vox. And that is our job from Anu. Let people know Her.

I reached an easy climbing tree and scrambled up. I found a comfortable niche and settled myself in. I closed my eyes and reached out to everything.

Mother... Mother I love you and wish to be with you forever. All I ask is that I be able to go home for one month. Just one month and then I'll do your bidding. Just so that my parents and friends know that I'm alright. Will you grant me this, Mother?

Yes, my little Protector. You may have one month for your family. 

Please, offer me your guidance on something strange happening in me and my friend, Michael. Vox and Vir can speak through me while I am still in human form. What does it mean?

Mother? Please, do you know what it means?



Suddenly, my eyes snapped open and I was falling from the tree. I screamed and quickly went into a roll. I stood and twisted around, looking for what had happened. I saw a man standing stick straight and staring at me with wide eyes. I realized I was in a hunting crouch and quickly stood out of it.

"Hello," I said kindly to the man. He was in his early twenties with long dirty blonde hair. His mouth still hung open. "I'm Calypso," I said to the man. Hey, could you blame me for being cautious? I just fell out of a tree, presumably because of this guy.

"What...How..." the man sputtered. He was looking back and forth between me and the tree. I looked up at the tree too. My little niche was hardly visible from the ground, it was so high up.

"Oh, you're wondering how I did that epic roll out of falling from a tree?" I guessed. The man nodded and looked back at the tree. "Gymnastics," I lied.

"Gotcha," he said, not looking convinced.

"So, why did I fall out of my tree in the first place?" I asked, accusingly. 

The man scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well, you were pretty hidden up there. I didn't see you until you were already falling. See, I saw a bird and I thought Maybe I could hit that with a rock. So I picked one up and threw it up there. I missed, of course, but I hit the tree. Noise must have startled you and made you fall out. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."

My eyes were narrow with anger. "No. But you did mean to injure the bird. What good would it have done you? Huh?"

The man seemed seriously taken aback. "What?"

"What good would it have done to injure that poor creature? You wouldn't eat it. You wouldn't stuff it which is bad enough in it of itself. But you would just leave it in the woods and run off to tell your friends about hitting a defenseless creature from the air with a rock. And they'd congratulate you. Pathetic."

"Hey now, don't get on me. It was just a bit of fun."

"That's fun to you? That is sick. Now leave. My camp is nearby and I wouldn't want any birds falling on my tent when I'm sleeping." I turned around to storm off, but the man caught my arm. I quickly shook him off. Unfortunately, he was as persistent as Lenus, and he just grabbed me again. This time I turned and kneed him in the groin. "Stay away from me. And don't you ever hurt the wildlife again. Or I'll come after you."

This time, when I turned to leave, he didn't stop me.

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