Confusing, Bizarre, and Curious

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We stayed that way for a while, before I took the blindfold off of his newly healed eyes. Their chestnut brown stared back at me, and for the first time, I really looked at them. They were a dark brown towards the outside, with flecks of caramel coming in towards the middle. "What are you looking at me like that for?" Mikey asked. I realized that I had been staring at his eyes for an abnormally long period of time and went slightly pink.

"Nothing. It's just that I never really looked at your eyes before."

L! Is for the way you look! At me!

O! Is for the only one! I-

Shut up!

Viiiiiiiir! Is very very! Extraordinary!

Those aren't even the lyrics!

*snap* *snap*

I was shocked out of my conversation with my wolves by Mikey snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him. "Sorry," I said lamely.

"You zoned out a bit there. And not only that but you zoned out gazing into my eyes like a child-raper."

"Child-raper?" I scrunched my nose at his simile.

"Yup. I can see it. Beware: Indigo 'Artio' Darenger, age thirteen, wanted for child-rape. Also known to knee unsuspecting teenage boys in the groin."

"Hey! That was one time, and I thought you were an attempted murderer!" I said, defending myself.

"And?" he prompted with a smirk.

"And what?"

"And you're very, very sorry that you kneed your bestest friend in the whole wide world in the groin."

"Meh," I shrugged and looked away. "It was a bit funny."

"Why am I even friends with you?"

Because you loooooooooove her!

"I have no idea," I responded. "Maybe you should see a shrink or something about it."

"I'll consider it. I may have a serious mental problem," he joked.

Pssshhhh! He just said that to p-

Don't even go there.

To get his wolves mad. Hey Vox, what would happen if I were to just spring a FU-


Dear Goddess, make it stop!!!


We! Are never, ever, ever! Getting back together!

Now look at what you've started! Why do we sing so much?

Because we are FABULOUS!


I need something inspiring to help me get along!

I need a little fabulous, is that so wrong!?


"INDIE!!!" I jumped. Glancing around, I saw an amused looking Mikey. I mumbled an ashamed apology. 

"I take it you were talking to your wolves?" I laughed at the thought of my wolves actually talking for a second.

"I wish. More like super-off-tune-random-singing. That's how my time is usually spent with them."  

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