Time for a Change

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I practically sprinted out of English, last hour. Mrs. Kale seriously needs help with her enthusiasm because no one was feeling the love, not even Mikey who was known to always be involved in classes. I had Arithmetic, Literature, and Latin homework. When did they think I'd have time to do it all? Whatever, I had to rush to get to violin otherwise Mr. H. would be mad, so I jammed everything in my bag and lugged it over to the band room.

When I arrived, Mr. H. was already there, tuning his viola. He looked exceptionally old sitting there in his old gray wool suit with his balding gray hair. He had to be into his 70's. "Found the room alright, did you Indigo?"

"Yes, Mr. H." It was the response he always expected and wanted.

"Are you aware that you are a full 2 minutes late, Indigo?"

"Yes, Mr. H."


"And I'll try to get here on time from now on, Mr. H."

"Very well. Tune your violin and let's get started with your warm-up book," Mr. H. said. After violin, there came piano (also with Mr. H.), and then voice with Mrs. Warrenger. She was far kinder than Mr. H. and far younger, in her 20's. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders and she was very pretty.

After all of my lessons, it was 4:30 and I trudged up the stairs to my father's office on the 4th floor. I found the door marked, "Marcus Darenger" and walked in. As always, he was behind his desk correcting jumbled up Spanish words or something. He looked up when I walked in and smiled. He had light brown hair cut short and spring-dirt-brown eyes. He was a bit heavier, but in a fatherly way not an obese middle-aged dude way. He stood, "Ready to go?"

"Let me rest first, I just walked up four full flights of stairs."

He laughed, "Alright, but we're leaving in five minutes."

"Deal," I said.

"So, how was school?"

"Very work filled. How was work?"

"Very school filled. What do you have for homework?"

"I have to write a paragraph in Latin to a 'relative in Rome', I have 30 problems to 'solve for x', and then I have Literature, where I have to read Fever 1793 up until Chapter 6."

"Wow. That is a lot. Well, we'd better get home so you can get it done."

I sighed, "Okay. Fine. I'm ready to tackle the stairs."

He laughed as we walked out of his office and to the stairs. He glanced my way half way down and said, "I just realized."

"Huh?" I asked, panting from two flights of stairs. Dang I am weak.

"Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Lucky 13," I said smiling. "And if you're wondering, I would like a Maroon5 tee or maybe a set of hats and mittens. Oo! Or a phone!"

"Good luck with that one, Squirt," my father said laughing.

I sighed, "Fine, but I expect a Maroon5 tee when I get home tomorrow." We had exited the building and were climbing into my father's car, when he turned to look at me.

"Well, I guess I could handle that," he said smirking.

I smiled and squealed, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet, Squirt," he said to me, his smile slowly diminishing.

When we pulled into the driveway of our bigger-than-a-house, smaller-than-mansion, three story light blue home, I got out of the car and got inside. Then I went into our study (basically an office with a bunch of books on the walls) and threw my bag on the desk. I sighed and pulled out my Latin.

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