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(Even though I wanted to unpublish this book, I miss writing it. Does that make any sense? Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy and what do you think about the new cover? I wanted to match my theme, I haven't finished the rest of my book covers.)


David screamed her name as she instantly woke up.

Looking around, Lorie realized they were in the parking lot of their school. It was hard for her to stay awake since her and David were being night owls. She don't know how he do it.

"Wake up, girl. We at school and we already late."
He told her as she gave him groan.

"I don't want to go inside. Fuck them."
David chuckled.

"Oh, so that's how it is? Guess being a smarty ain't it huh?"
Lorie nodded her head, going back to sleep.

"Well, come on. Cause I'm not about to get in trouble for you."
Lorie felt the breeze hitting her arm as he opened up his door.
She wish she can miss one day. She is in a need of sleep.

Entering the main office, Lorie sat in one of the chairs. She resumed sleeping there while there were a few students who are getting their tardy pass. Looks like her and David weren't the only ones being late.

"Ms. Gaines, Ms. Gaines."
Lorie awakened to the sound of her name being called.

She rubbed her eyes and got up as she walked up to the desk.
"Girl, you're always on time. What happened?"

"Stayed up."
She answered groggily causing Ms. Madison to laugh.

"A girl who has beauty and brains should know it's important to go to sleep on time." She gave Lorie her pass as she took it.

"Yeah, yeah."
Lorie muttered, exiting out of the office.

At the end of the hall, to her left, Lorie opened the door to her homeroom.

Ms. Kerr was teaching her assignment but stopped when she entered the class. The students were whispering and snickering. She knew it was all about her. She could careless due to her being tired.

"Oh, Ms. Gaines, you're late?"
Ms. Kerr was disappointed.

Just like Ms. Madison, she always knew that Lorie would come to school on time.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kerr. I was up all night and didn't know I had school the next day."
Lorie informed, giving her the pass.

One of the students smacked their lips.
"Yeah, right."

Lorie waved the person off as she took her seat in the front.
She laid her head on the desk, eyes closing.

Lorie's eyes instantly open and she furrowed her brows, turning her head to Joelle.

"Up all night huh?"
Joelle smirked.

Lorie rolled her eyes and went back to sleep.


When the bell ringed for lunch, David placed his English book in the locker before closing it.

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