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"What's goin on, Lil Dave?"
Tweed gave him a dap as he entered inside the house.

After dropping off Lorie, David went to hang with Playa and Tweed since he didn't want to go back to hear his mother and sister's voice.

"Ain't it's too late for you to be over here, handsome?" Tweed's lady, Jane asked as she smile and gave him a hug.

"I don't care and I know they don't care either." David chuckled as she did the same.

Everyone was enjoying themselves as they were playing dominos, eating good food, and listening to music. David took a seat at the bar where he ate. They had a lot of people in the house who took over the chairs, this was the only place.

Before he could eat his food, a pair of hands covered his eyes.
"Guess who?"
A familiar voice asked.

He sighed.
"Hi, Nedra."
He greeted her in a dry tone.

She quickly remove her hands and stood in front of him as her brows furrowed. Nedra enjoys messing with him. Even though she said it's in a playful way, she can also be flirty. He thought she was so damn hardheaded. She still try to get with him after he rejected her for the umpteenth time.

"Why you sounding like that? You ain't happy to see me?"
David ignored her as he drunk out of his red plastic cup.

Nedra smacked her lips and storms off.
He thank God she didn't go any further cause he was about to hurt her feelings. Thinking she all that with them long ass nails.

"Why you do that pretty girl like that?"
Jane asked, taking a seat next to David.

He placed a forkful of potato salad in his mouth and scrunched up his face.
"I don't like her."

Jane chuckled.
"Mm-mm, you have a girlfriend?"

David nodded his head.
"Her name is Lorie."

"Lorie? As in Allison's girl? Wow, you dating her? She's a keeper plus she ain't like these fast tails around here. When did you guys start dating?"
She asked.

"Day before yesterday. I have liked her for the longest but kept messing around with these girls that I know ain't worth it. Even though she's my best friend, I saved my heart for her. She was the girl I thought would be perfect for me."
He answered.

"Aww, this is my first time ever hearing you sound so sentimental. Knowing you use to be using girls from left and right. Throwing them out of the car-"

"I aint like that, miss Jane."
David chuckled, objecting her.

"I know, I know. But congrats on you two relationship. Wishing nothing but the best." Jane hugged him.

David smiled as Jane walks away.

He was finished with the rest of his food and drunk the last of his drink. Suddenly, he got hit in the back. Of course. It's Nedra.

"So, you in love with her?"
Nedra asked as she put her hands on her hips.

David groaned and got up as he went into the kitchen to throw his plate and cup away. He didn't bother getting any seconds since he's already full.

"Nedra, take yo ass on somewhere."
David told her as he walk past her.

He was now outside, heading to his car. Nedra made him change his mind. He was planning to stay there for a while but now that she has eavesdrop, she's about to be on him all night.

"You ain't going nowhere until you answer my fucking question!"
She poked her nails in David's face.

David huffed. He almost had himself under control. He didn't like when people get in his face or poke him just like what she did.

Before he was about to go off, the sound of the front door squeaking cause both of them to look. Jane stood there as she shook her head.
"Nedra, bring your ass in this house and leave him alone!"
She muttered a few words before walking away.

"Yeah, go do what she said before I hurt yo feelings."
He threatened as he got in the car.

He look out of the passenger window to see Nedra still standing but it was shortly when she turn around and stormed off. He could careless about her feelings being hurt. If she wasn't that stupid, she would have understand. But he knew this isn't going to stop.

Now he's with Lorie, things were about to get worse. He knew how much she hated her with a passion and if she does anything, he got her back. Cause Lorie means so much to him and he don't mind teaching Nedra a lesson.

He started up his car and quickly pulled off.


Lorie was sleeping peacefully in her bed when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Her brows furrowed as she open her eyes, slowly turning her head to see it was David.

She sighed of relief. She thought she was about to scream to the top of her lungs in the middle of the night.

She carefully sat up and reach over to turn on her lamp.
"Why hello there, sir."

David open up an eye as he smiled.
"I thought you would have know it was me."

Lorie perched her lips.
"Nope, I actually thought it was someone else. You know this neighborhood can also be dangerous."

"Girl, aint nobody going to take you. Not when I'm around." He kissed her arm as she blushed.

"You came from Tweed's House? I can smell smoke and barbecue lingering off your clothes." Lorie giggled.

"Yeah, I wanted to stay longer but that chicken head Nedra got on my nerves." David tells her.

Lorie frowned. She remembers being friends with her until she start feeling weird and decided to not be. She miss her so much.

"What's wrong?" David asked as Lorie shook her head.

"Nothing, I'm just tired and I want to get some sleep before school."
Lorie answered.

"It just turned 11."
David laughed.

"Still, I would like to resume my sleep."
Lorie laid back down as David turn off the lamp.

Once he laid down next to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I love you so much, Lorie. I promise I will never let anything happened to you."

Excuse any mistakes. The book will be reedited once it's completed.

Any thoughts?

Let me know in the comments.

Btw, there will be a part two cast. This is for anyone who wants to know who's playing who. ❤

I hope you guys enjoyed this. There's more to come.

Lots of love,
Deanna/Dee. ❤

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