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Amber mumbled to the crowd of students in front of her, under her breath. "I'll show you just how much of a monster I can be."

Then, she suddenly ran into the crowd of students. They started to separate a bit, and run away, but with Amber's enhanced speed, there would be no way they would get away. Amber grabbed one of the students by the neck, sending a wave of electricity through their body. The student screamed out in pain. Amber punched the student in the stomach with a lightning ensued fist, knocking the air out of their lungs, and electrocuting them again. After another moment, Amber released the student, and they slumped onto the ground, unconscious. Some of the other students had ran away to get a teacher, and some just stood there, too scared to move. She went to another student, and another.

She had knocked out about 15 students when she finally spotted two girls in the crowd, one with light blonde hair, and the other light brown. These were the two girls that had previously been her friends, the ones who first spread the rumors. As Amber approached them, they slowly began to back away while shouting their apologies. "Amber, we are really sorry for saying all that bad stuff about you to everyone, just please don't hurt us." The brown-haired girl, Amethyst shouted.

She looked at the two girls and smiled. "Why are you apologizing, this is all just proving everything you said was true. I'm a monster, aren't I. For months I had to deal with all of you calling me that, and throwing things at me. You have no idea how I felt. What makes you think sorry will cut it?"

"Please! We'll do anything! We'll buy you whatever you want! We'll even give you money! Please don't hurt us!" Pearl, the blonde, begged.

"You guys really are scum. You can't pay back what you owe with money. I'd rather watch you suffer right now than forgive you." She said, shooting a ranged bolt of lightning at them, and knocking them onto the ground.

"Please... stop this..." Pearl mumbled weakly.

"Shut up." Amber responded, as she walked over to them. She bent down near Pearl.

"You really are... a Monster." Pearl said.

"I said 'Shut Up'!" Amber yelled, and punched Pearl in the face as hard as she could, sending, large waves of bright, blue-hot electricity through her. After she was done getting her revenge on the two of them, she stood up and looked at them. They were both unconscious like the others, but in a much worse condition, with burns all over them. Amber had done it, she had gotten her revenge on the people that had caused her so much pain during the last few months. She smiled. She should have been happy, but she wasn't. After another moment, tears flooded her eyes and began running down her face.
"... I really am a monster..." she said to herself.

A short while later, she was called to the principal's office.

"I don't even know what to say to you, Amber. I am highly disappointed in you. Why did you do that? What did my innocent students ever do to you?" The principal began. Amber just stared at him, surprised, and confused. Innocent wasn't really the word she would have used, more like horrible, or discriminative of people with abilities that they don't have. Had no one realized what they had all been doing to her these past few months? They must have at least heard from the school nurse that she came into the infirmary almost everyday, with cuts and bruises.

She decided to try not to make the situation any worse. She answered in a quiet voice, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Principal, sir. I have a pretty bad temper and my temper got the best of me. I tried my best to control it, but I guess it wasn't enough... I'm extremely sorry! I promise it won't happen again!"

It didn't make any difference. The principal stared at her, furious. "I'm sure you didn't mean it, but you should learn to control your emotions. However, I'm afraid I can't let this slide so easily. You injured multiple students and caused serious injuries to two innocent girls. You even left them in the hospital. I'm afraid I have no choice, but...to expel you. According to the education rulebook, 'students that are at least the age of 17, may be discharged upon expulsion for dangerous and violent behavior.' I'm afraid I can't allow you to enter my school anymore." Amber's eyes widened with shock. Is that it? They're just going to expel me right this moment? What am I supposed to do after that? Seeing Amber's expression, the principal snapped. "You're too dangerous. I don't need filthy little espers like you here. You espers are nothing but a nuisance. If I see you at my school one more time, I will report you to the Anti-Esper Association(known as AEA, for short). You're lucky I was nice enough to keep you at my school for such a long time. I have tried my best to tolerate you at my school, but you espers make me sick. In fact, get out of my office right now!! I don't ever want to see you again! Get out of my sight!" Amber was surprised, and scared by the principal's anger. She had never expected him to snap at her and yell like that. She quickly left the room before anything else could happen. After that, she ran out of the school, so that she wouldn't have to see the faces of the student anymore, and went home.

On the way there, she passed by another school, near her house. The gate of the school had 'Gemstone Academy' written on a plaque, in strange wispy lettering. After she had gotten home, she decided to research a bit about the school. There wasn't much information about it, but she decided that she would go there tomorrow and see if she could apply to go there.

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