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"Well, this is a surprise. Emerald, you don't really come here very often, especially not with injuries as bad as those." The nurse said, she didn't look up from the papers in front of her. "And I presume, you're the one who caused these injuries. You are the new transfer student who took the test today, right?" she continued to Amber. When the nurse finally looked up, Amber gave a small nod in response.

"Wait a second. Level 2 Electric burns, the fighting style and aura..." the nurse's eyes widened with surprise. "Are you, by any chance Aqua's younger sister?"

"Yes. Did you know my brother as well?" Amber asked.

"Yes I did. We weren't in the same class, but we were in the same year when I went to school. I skipped PE and other classes like that to help out the school nurse. Even though Aqua didn't come here often himself, a lot of the people that ended up here had challenged him right before. Because of that, I can easily recognize abilities like his. It wasn't that he was a bad person, or always looking for fights. On the contrary, he tried his best to avoid them. Sometimes, when he felt like he did more damage than he needed to, he brought the students here himself, trying to cheer them up, and occasionally even tried to help treat them. People just always chase after those who have power." She said.

She looked over at Amber. "You seem really similar to him in quite a few ways. I'm sorry about what happened to him." After another moment she said, "Alright, your both all healed up now. Emerald, get back to class. And Amber, you should be getting home. I'm guessing you'll be starting school tomorrow? Your uniform will be sent to your address along with your books, so you should get home and get ready." Emerald got up but Amber couldn't do anything but stare at the nurse. She hadn't even done anything and they were already healed. Then she remembered the strange aura when she had entered the infirmary. Was that aura her skill?
Amber followed Emerald out of the room, realizing she had no idea how to get back to the front gate.

"You don't know which way to go, do you?" Emerald said, turning back to face her.

"No-Yes! Um..." Amber said, suddenly flustered.

"Do you want me to help you out?" Emerald asked, with a smile that made Amber's heart flutter for a second.

"I-i-it's not like I don't need your help?" Amber responded, her tone and words not matching how she felt at all. Even she was confused at what she was saying. Emerald gave Amber a look of confusion, and Amber mirrored it. They were both trying to figure out what she had said.

Emerald sighed and grabbed Amber's hand. Amber flinched. "W-what are you doing?" And before she realized it, they were at the gate of the school. He had teleported them to the school gate. Oh, she thought to herself, so that's how his ability works? He can teleport anything he touches with him. That's all it was. Amber could feel her face start to turn red from embarrassment.

"I should get back to class. You think you can find your way back home from here?" Emerald said with a teasing smile.

"Of course I can! I'm new here, it's not even my first day of school. Of course I don't know my way around the school." Amber shouted back, her face heating up more.

Emerald laughed. "Well then, I'll go now. Bye." Amber just nodded, not trusting herself to speak coherent words anymore, especially not with Emerald smiling at her now. Amber didn't know what was going on with her. Her face was heating up and she even felt a bit lightheaded. I really hope it's just a fever and will go away by tomorrow, she thought. It's probably just a fever... right?

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