4. Roller-coaster Ride

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Taylor's POV

I thought moving to Texas would be good for me and I would be able to clear my head, but suddenly I'm just all the more confused than I was before. When I was with Tom, I knew who I had to be, but now that there are no expectations weighing down my decisions, I don't know who I am or what I want.

I heard back from Mr Goodwin a day or two after the interview and I was so glad when he informed me that I got the job. Karlie gave me her number when we parted ways again, and we've been texting on and off for a few days too. Those brief few hours I was with the woman and her precious little boy, I felt a happiness that I haven't felt in a long time. Nothing was forced, there was no pressure or expectations, and I really smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Teff?" I hear my name being called in the hallway and a few minutes later, the bedroom door is being knocked and Abigail is walking inside. "There is someone at the door for you," she's smirking as she says it, and I just roll my eyes as I get up from my spot on the bed and follow her downstairs. "Hey guys," I smile as I spot Karlie and Grayson standing in the foyer, and I open my arms to the little boy who immediately comes running for an embrace, "what's going on?" I laugh as I go to Karlie with Gray and she looks to her son with a playful grin, "it's my day off and I promised Gray that we would go to Funtrackers, but he insisted that we find out if you would like to come too."

I raise my eyebrows at Grayson, smiling as I ask, "What's Funtrackers?" He looks at me like I'm totally insane and starts jumping up and down as he holds onto my hands, "it's the bestest place ever!" I can't help smiling at his excitement and I look up to Karlie who's laughing, "they have an arcade and a theme park, he's been asking to go all summer, you're very excited about the go carts, aren't you?" Grayson nods with more enthusiasm than anyone I've ever met.

"Please come with us, Taylor? Pretty please?" He gives me puppy dog pleading eyes and I laugh, "if mama's sure?" I know how easy it is to give in to him so I just wanna make sure that Karlie is actually okay with me joining them on her day off. "I'm more than happy for you to come and join us," she nods and Grayson basically jumps with joy.

"I'll go and get changed, gimme a minute or two?" Karlie scoops Grayson up into her arms as he giggles and she happily agrees, "take your time." I thank her and turn around to head back up the stairs, meeting Abigail halfway up, rolling my eyes at her smirking face.

Karlie's POV

Taylor agreeing to come out with us today made Gray's day, and honestly I'm really excited to get to see her. Spending time with her at the park the other day was nice and I got to know a lot about her which was certainly enlightening.

"How are you doing?" The little blonde in the back is lost in the film playing on his Ipad, so I take the opportunity to check in with Taylor. "I'm okay, I found out that I got the teaching job, so things are really starting to look up," she told me yesterday that her parents had been trying to contact her, but she's just not confident enough in herself yet that she won't go running back to them so ignoring their attempts has been tricky. "That's amazing, Tay, you must be so happy, this is like your dream job," she's smiling so bright as she nods, "it really is, I'm so excited to finally get the chance to inspire bright little things like him," the blonde looks back to Grayson in the back seat with a soft smile on her face. They're both obsessed with each other.

"Look, Gray," I point out the rollercoaster on the horizon and he gasps at the sight, "it's so big, mama," he's so excited about this and I love seeing him this happy. It takes about ten or so minutes to get into the parking lot and park the car, and when we finally get there, Taylor helps Gray out of his booster seat.

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