30. Home Is Where Your Heart Is

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Taylor's POV

"Are you sure they're okay?" I have a deep anxiety in my heart as I look to the paediatrician and she smiles, "your boys are perfect, Taylor, don't worry." I sigh as I nod, we get to take the boys home today but I am so nervous. I've never done this before and I just want it to be perfect. "It's going to be fine, Teff, they're totally fine," Karlie smiles as she wraps an arm around my shoulder and I look to her with a nervous smile as I nod. "I'll see you next week, take your boys home and enjoy them, you're going to be fine." We thank her one last time and then she leaves us alone with the two newborns.

Karlie presses a kiss to my cheek as she pulls me into a hug, "our boys are going to be happy and loved and healthy, we just have to get them home first," I laugh as I rest my head against her chest, feeling the vibrations of her gentle laugh. "Okay, come on," I sigh as I pull away from her and turn back to the two little guys laying on the bed, they're so teeny and perfect.

"I'm going to go and grab their seats from the car, will you be okay?" She keeps her hand on the small of my back and I give her a soft smile as I nod, "we'll be okay." She kisses my cheek again and then slips out of the room to go downstairs. I run my finger along the cheeks of the two sleeping little guys and I sigh, "we're going to be okay, little ones, your momma and I will give you two the best of everything we can."

I grab their diaper bag and start packing up their things as they doze on the blanket on the bed beside me. I'm so excited to be going home and to get to be with Grayson, I really just miss the comforts of my own home and I'm nervous but I really just want to be with my perfect little family.

"Momma's just coming, sweet boy," Luca starts to cry so I scoop him up and settle him against my chest, "you just wanna see your big brother again, huh?" I kiss his little face as I smile, Grayson dotes on Luca and Finn. Even after he went home yesterday Jourdan was sending us the sweetest updates and apparently he had been talking about them from the second he got back until he fell asleep.

I hold Luca close to my chest as I sway, watching Finlay as he sleeps peacefully, they're so unaware of each other at this point but I can't wait to see how they are as they got older. I was so scared of the prospect of having two babies in the beginning but now I know it's the biggest blessing.

"Here we go," I turn around as Karlie walks in with the a seat in each hand and I smile. This is it - we really get to take them home today.

Karlie's POV

"Are you ready?" I smile at Taylor as I squeeze her hand tight and the blonde nods. The nerves are evident on her face but being a first time mom to twins that's not surprising. "Let's go home, sweet boys," I sigh as I reach into Finn's seat and slip his fallen pacifier back into his mouth.

Taylor grabs Luca's seat as I carry Finn's, all of the bags already in the car so that we only have to get from A to B with the babies. I keep my hand planted on Taylor's back as we walk through the hospital, taking it slow because she's still in a bit of pain.

"Are you sure you wanna sit in the back, my love?" Taylor is adamant on sitting with the twins but she's still in pain so I don't know if this is the best choice for her. "I'll be fine, I just need to be with them, Kar," She looks at me as I nod, giving her my hand to help her up into the backseat so that she can be between the boys. "Are you sure you're okay?" I frown as she buckles herself in and Taylor gives me a soft smile, "yes, Kar, I promise."

Taylor laughs and I sigh but give in and lift Finn's car seat up and into the space on her right side, the blonde cooing as the newborn starts to fuss. She occupies Finn as I walk around the car and clip Luca into the other side, and once the three of them are happy and situated I get in too.

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