22. The Sun Is Going Down

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Taylor's POV

It's the end of January now and we're officially halfway through Karlie's deployment. The holidays were particularly rough for Grayson but he adores his Auntie Abbie so having her with us really helped. Karlie's still keeping a brave front but I know the longer we're apart and the more she's missing, it's hitting her harder every day.

Grayson is so excited about his little brothers and when I got around to telling my kids it was a pretty entertaining day. At this point though, I'm just over twenty one weeks along and the exhaustion is really hitting me hard.

"Have a good weekend guys, I'll see you all on Monday," I smile as the school day finally ends and my TA escorts the rowdy bunch out to pick up. I love my job but taming a bunch of wild six year olds while constantly being kicked by two little babies really takes it out of me.

"There's my monkey," I open my arms to Grayson as soon as I spot him and he immediately runs into my hug. "Thanks Sarah," I laugh as the kindergarten teacher leaves and she smiles back. "Did you have a good day, little man?" I walk back over to my desk with Gray, lifting the him into my lap as I sit down. "Yea," he mumbles as he plays with the fluffy pen sitting on my desk and I kiss his cheek, "shall we brave the rain and head home?"

It's been torrential here the last few days and I'm really excited to just get home and spend the weekend inside in the warm with my little guy. "Can Auntie Abbie come over to play dinos with me?" He peeks back at me as I smile, "I'll call her and find out once she finishes work." Grayson nods in approval as I kiss his little face one last time before he hops off my lap to let me get my coat.

My regular clothes did me well for a while but eventually I had to give in and buy maternity clothes, so my dresses have been swapped for more work appropriate but casual outfits.

"There's the little monkey," I look up as Martha walks into the room and I give her a soft smile as she gives Gray a high five. "Are you guys heading out?" She looks back to me and I nod, "I've got a cosy weekend with my pyjamas and my boys planned." I laugh as I run my hand over my bump, my doctor warned me about the likelihood of preterm labour so I'm trying to take things as easily as I can.

"Are you being good and helping Taylor?" She raises an eyebrow at Gray and he nods, "I'm the bestest." I smile as I ruffle his hair, "you sure are, little man." The blonde in front of me smiles too and I raise an eyebrow, "have you got anything interesting planned?" Martha laughs as she winks, "I have a date with the photographer tonight." I smirk, "things are going well with you two?" Martha nods, "Very."

"What's a date, Teffy?" Grayson looks up to me and I laugh, "it's like a playdate for adults, bub." He nods as he accepts my answer and Martha and I just laugh as I shake my head. "Anyway, I won't keep you guys, be good for Teffy and try and keep your brothers in line," Martha trying to be serious with Gray just makes me laugh and we share a few last words before she goes back to her own classroom.

"Let's get home," I pull Grayson's hood over his head and carry his backpack as he keeps a tight grip on my hand and we hurry through the rain to the car. "Are you all buckled in?" I push my hair back into a low ponytail as I sit in the drivers seat and Grayson nods as he smiles back at me.

I turn the radio on for him as he plays with his dinos. "This rain... " I frown as I drive us home, its a heavy downpour and my wipers just can't seem to keep up with it. "Teffy, look at my dinos!" I briefly glance back to Grayson as I frown, "I can't right now, buddy, can you show me at home?"

Gray starts to throw a fit, frustrated that I can't have all of my attention on him at this moment. "Baby, just five minutes, please.." I look in my mirror to talk to him and before I even realise what is happening, my car is spinning out and then everything goes quiet.

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