18. This Love Is Worth The Fight

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Taylor's POV

The days until Karlie leaves are starting to tick down and now we're on our last weekend with her before she deploys on Wednesday. Grayson has been more and more clingy as the days pass and I'm struggling to hide my nerves at this point, especially with how rough my pregnancy has been.

"Taylor!" I hear Grayson giggling as he runs along the hallway, "Where's the fire?" I laugh as he runs in wearing his Halloween costume from last week with the biggest smile on his face. "I'm not a real fireman, silly," he giggles as I pull him into a cuddle, "really? You could've fooled me."

Karlie comes into the room behind him and I look up to her with a smile. "I told you not to come up here, monkey, Teffy was resting." She laughs as she sits on the bed beside me, and I smile as I press a kiss to the little guy's forehead, "it's fine, I'm always prepared to cuddle my favourite little guy."

I've been feeling awful for weeks now and this morning I ended up with a really bad headache, so Karlie sent me upstairs to get some rest and try to relax. We're meant to be taking Gray out to the beach to watch a fireworks show tonight, so I want to be okay for then.

"How are you feeling, babe?" She wraps her arm around me and I rest my head on her shoulder, "my headache is gone and I got some sleep, plus seeing my favourite little guy in his amazing costume made me feel a hundred times better." Grayson giggles as I cuddle him close, his bright smile is enough to make anything better.

"Can we go and show Riley my costume?" Grayson turns to us and Karlie laughs as she pulls him off of my lap and into the space between us on the bed. "He saw it on Halloween, buddy, why don't you go and change and then we can go and make some slime." Grayson nods and pushes himself onto his knees to kiss my cheek before climbing over his Mama to to go to his room.

"Can I come?" I pout as she pulls the comforter away from me and pushes up my shirt, planting soft kisses to my bump and I brush my fingers through her blonde locks as she raises an eyebrow at me, "what do you two think? Should mommy come downstairs and help us?"

She's obsessed with talking to my bump, wanting the babies to know her before she has to go. This time though, she presses her ear up against my stomach as if they're really going to answer her.

"They think that mommy should stay up here and get a little more rest before we have to go out tonight." I pout as I stroke my thumb over her cheek bone, not agreeing with her conclusion at all.

"Why don't you come and lay down on the couch and we'll do it in the living room?" She compromises with me and I smile back at her as I nod, "yes, please, I miss my loves." Karlie kisses my bump one last time and then she pulls my shirt back down before pushing herself up. "Come on then, but I can't promise the smell won't make you feel sick."

She laughs as she helps me up and I lean in to kiss her, "well if it does then we'll just add slime to the list." I wink as Karlie smirks, we've been really happy the last few weeks, especially after her proposal. I expected things to get harder as it got closer to her deployment, but this is the happiest I've seen Karlie since we met. I'm worried about her going, but I have so much faith that she's going to come back home to us and we're going to raise our little family together.


"Mama, you're silly!" Grayson is giggling like a little lunatic as Karlie plays with some slime and I just shake my head as I cuddle my cushion. "You're gonna make a mess, Kar," I raise my eyebrow at the blonde as she drops the orange mess into the bowl. Luckily the scent of pumpkin isn't one of my aversions.

"That's the fun of it," she smirks as she winks at me and I roll my eyes, running my fingers Grayson's blonde hair. "Will the babies be able to play with slime with me?" He looks up to me as I smile, "no, buddy, not until they're a little bigger." I kiss his forehead as he nods, he's so excited to be a big brother and it's the sweetest thing.

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