32. Four Years On

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Karlie's POV

"Hey, hey... Slow down," the kids are running around the house and as Luca tries to dart past me I catch him and pick the four year old up, "mama, put me down!" He's giggling like a maniac as I hold him over my shoulder, "not a chance." I smirk as I make sure I've got him and then go off in search of the rest.

"There's number two," Finn is giggling just as much as his twin when I catch him, throwing him over my other shoulder. "Come on then, where are they?" there is a fair age gap between Grayson and Riley and the twins, but the older boys always include them and are usually at the centre of all the chaos.

I walk back out of the playroom and into the hallway, about to walk upstairs to look for them, but then the front door opens.

"Mommy!" I spin around as the giggling twins start calling out, a smirk on my face when I spot the ladies walking into the house. "Karlie Kloss, why are our sons hanging from your shoulders?" The blonde smirks as she puts down the bags that were previously in her hands.

Taylor raises an eyebrow at me so I look between her, Jourdan and Abigail before turning so that the boys are facing her. "Tell mommy what the four of you have been up to this afternoon," they're still giggling like mad men but they explain everything to Taylor - from the water balloons to the flour bombs.

When they've explained themselves i let them down and they immediately rush to Taylor for cuddles as Jourdan summons Riley and Gray is close behind. "Flour bombs, Gray? I thought you were better than that," the ten year old just shrugs, "the twins are only little, we had to start them somewhere."

Taylor meets my eyes as she laughs and I just roll my eyes, I can't say our boys are boring. "Alright, go and play outside, no more mess in the house," little Avery joins the four boys and they all run off outside.

"So I assume your afternoon involved less mess than mine?" I look between the three, an exasperated laugh escaping as I pull my wife into my arms. "I think Selena would disagree, the terrible twos are really hitting with Stella," I can't help sympathising there, it feels like yesterday with the boys. "I'm not looking forward to that stage again," Taylor shakes her head, looking down between us at her stomach.

We agreed no more kids after the twins but time went on and we both agreed that another little one would only add to the love and the joy in our madhouse. We started trying after Christmas and now Taylor is six months along with a perfect baby girl.

"You should've learnt to keep it in your pants then, shouldn't you?" Jourdan smirks and I scowl as Taylor chuckles, "at least you stuck to your word, it's just the one this time." The blonde holds the back of my neck as she pulls me into a kiss. If she had ended up with twins again I know I would never have heard the end of it.

I shake my head as I pull away, a smile all over my face. "Has Avey stopped nagging for a sibling yet?" I look over to Abbie and the redhead gives an exhausted laugh in return, "no, but she has no hope until her daddy comes home." I smile sympathetically as I nod, Matt still doesn't have a return date and it's driving them all a little crazy, but I know that feeling all too well.

"She'll just have to make do with her perfect little cousins for now," Abbie looks over to the baby sleeping in the car seat by Jourdan's feet. She was so hesitant in having another but the second she fell pregnant again she was in love with her little one. "She's so good with him, she'll be a great big sister when the time comes," Jourd reaches out and gives Abbie's hand a squeeze.

Its been five years and we're all still one big family. A few more have been added to the ranks since but there is still just as much love.

Taylor's POV

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