28. You Mean The World To Me

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Karlie's POV

Life has been peaceful the last few weeks. Taylor and I set a date for our wedding and we've finally got just about everything set up and ready for the twins who are about to make their appearance when she gets induced in a couple of days.

"Kar, Abbie called and she's asking if you can go over and help Matt with something for baby girl," Taylor shrugs as she walks into the kitchen. Well, it's definitely more of a waddle these days. "I thought they were ready for her coming?" I laugh as she stops beside me and the blonde shrugs, "I think they're starting to freak out because she's going to be here so soon." Abigail is further ahead than Tay and could literally go into labour any day so we're all on high alert at the minute.

"I don't wanna go out and leave you," I rest my hand on her bump as she smiles, "believe me, I'll be fine. Jourd is coming over with Riley so the boys can play, I won't be alone for long." I know I'm probably paranoid and overprotective but if anything happens then I want to be here, I need to know she's okay.

"Okay, does he need me now?" I press a kiss to her bump as she stands just in front of me and Taylor nods as she laughs, "they sounded stressed so it would probably be a good idea." I shake my head and kiss her bump again, "you two be good for mommy, don't go pulling any tricks while I'm gone." Taylor chuckles and I get up, "seriously, babe, please play it safe and take it easy." Taylor didn't like the idea when she was first told by the doctor but now we're so close, I just really need her to give up her independence for a few more days so that I don't have a heart attack whenever she's not by my side.

"I've gotten this far, I'm not going to push it," she laughs as she cradles her bump, "plus, I'm in too much of every kind of pain to do anything other than sit on the couch and play with our son." I sigh and move behind her to rub her back, she's always achy and she can never sleep and it's almost impossible for her to do a lot of things on her own. "It'll be better soon, I promise, just a few more days," I rest my chin on her shoulder as Taylor nods.

"You gotta go, and please bring me a milkshake on the way back, I've been craving one all day," she laughs and I nod, kissing her cheek, "you got it, babe." I walk back to the living room with her and Taylor plops down on the couch into her mountain of pillows as I kneel by Grayson. "I'll be back in a bit, buddy, do you remember what we agreed?" He nods as he looks up from the dinosaur in his hands, "to help mommy and stay where she can see me."

I nod as I kiss his cheek, "good job, buddy, I love you." I ruffle his hair as I get back up and I grab my keys from the coffee table, "are you sure you'll be okay?" I check with Taylor one last time and she nods, "we'll be okay for the next couple of hours, I promise." I sigh but accept her answer and plant one last kiss on her bump and then her lips.

I leave the pair of them in the living room and slip out of the house, a soft smile on my face as I get into the car. The twins' seats are installed in the back already and it makes it all so incredibly real. In no time at all those babies are going to be here and coming home in those seats and it's all so terrifying.

Taylor's POV

"Hey Tay, we're pulling up," Jourdan laughs as I answer the phone and I laugh too, "okay, we're in the living room." She knows I'm too pregnant to move much so I appreciate her letting me know, "I'll see you guys in a minute." I end the call and look to Gray, "go answer the door, bug," I laugh as he jumps up and runs to the door. Usually he would never be allowed to answer the door on his own but I already know that it's Jourdan and Riley so there's nothing to worry about.

I hear the excited chatter from the boys as they make their way through the house and Jourdan laughs at me as she walks around the couch, "hey mama." We share a quick hug and then the brit plops down beside me, "still hauling them around, I see." I shake my head as I run my hand over my belly, "only for a couple more days." I smile nervously as I feel one of them moving a little and she smiles back at me.

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