One Week to Go

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I stared at the duffel bag and matching backpack sitting on the bed. We would be going on tour next week. I had packed and unpacked my bags everyday since we finished recording our first album. I wasn't nervous. I swear.

There were too many changes going on at once. Roman and I had moved in together shortly after graduation. It was mainly to get me used to not being around Patton and my dad 24/7. I finally stopped freaking out last week.

I'm still surprised Roman hasn't dumped me.

"Leave the bags alone, babe."

Speak of the devil. Roman wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. How long had he been there? I leaned back against his chest and let out a soft sigh.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay. I think I'm ready for the tour. Are you packed?"

"Not yet. I'll pack the day before. The guys are on their way over."

"I don't need another intervention, Roman," I sighed and pulled away from him. "I haven't had a cup of coffee in like two weeks." When I first moved in with Roman I lived solely off of pop tarts and coffee. It had only been three weeks, but everyone got worried and sat me down to talk about it. I'm still not sure why everyone was complaining. At least I was eating. That alone was a miracle given that neither Roman or myself knew how to actually cook. But I gave in and stayed away from coffee and ate more than just pop tarts. Prepackaged meals became my friend.

"It's not about your eating habits."

"Is it about me packing and unpacking my bags?" I sat on the edge of our bed and stared at my hands. He knelt down in front of me and took my hands into his.

"Of course not. Did you forget that Remus and De are moving in today?"

"No," that was a blatant lie. I totally forgot.

The house we were renting had three bedrooms. The only reason we picked it was because it was the same distance from both of our families and neither of us wanted the other to be too far from home. Downside was we didn't need THAT many rooms. So, we invited the others to move in with us. We were going to be on a tour bus together until November at the latest, might as well get used to being around each other all the time now. Right?

Logan had moved in two weeks after Roman and I. Remus and De were moving in today. Not much time to get used to us all being stuck together. I know. And I also know it would have made more sense for us all to move in together. Thing is Logan and De were both out of town when we moved in. Remus wanted some quiet to get the songs polished for our album. When Logan and De came back we recorded. Then Remus went out of town with De and his family for a bit. So, Logan moved in. Then was the video chat intervention where everyone complained about my eating habits.

Roman and I can't cook. Logan can't either. Out of the five of us, De is the only one with any culinary skills. So, after our tour he's taking each of us aside for one week to teach us how to cook. Everyone except Remus. Apparently he blew up a microwave making popcorn one time so he's technically not allowed to even reheat food.

Roman stood up, still holding my hands, and gently pulled me to my feet. He then led me out of our bedroom and into the living room where we curled up and watched TV until the others came.


Once Remus and De were moved in and situated we ordered some Chinese food and sat around talking and eating. We stayed up pretty late just hanging out. Logan was the first to call it a night, retiring to his room after doing the dishes.

About forty-five minutes after Logan went to bed I decided to do the same. I gave Roman a quick peck on the cheek before heading down the hall to our bedroom.

You know that frustration of being dog tired and thinking you're gonna pass out, but as soon as you're head hits the pillow you forget what sleep is? Yeah. I got to deal with that. I tossed and turned for about an hour before grabbing a book and propping myself up in bed to read. Friggin insomnia.

I must've fallen asleep while reading because I don't remember Roman coming into the room. The only moment I noticed he was there was when he pulled me close and kissed the back of my neck.


"I love you, Virge. And don't forget to change your binding tape tomorrow," his voice was husky from the drowsiness and sleep creeping up on him.

I nodded, a small smile in my lips. I murmured an "I love you too" before sleep took hold of me again.

Everything Sucks (Book 2 of It's Not Over)Where stories live. Discover now