It's Only September

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Warning: Anxiety attack

Roman was very displeased to learn that we wouldn't be back in Florida in time for Halloween. I was too. Though we were upset for slightly different reasons. He was upset because going to Disney for Halloween was a tradition he didn't want to break. I was upset because Patton was in school in Florida and if we were there we could've kidnapped him for Halloween and I could've spent time with him.

We were, however, going to be in California. So we could still hit up Disney. Not sure how relaxing a day at the park would be though.

Although we'd released Thoughts in My Head two months ago and had only just started our tour last week we were gaining a lot of fans really fast.

Roman had changed his YouTube channel from just being random theater stuff to being solely focused on music and the band. He was vlogging while we were on the bus or walking around town. And each video was getting over ten thousand hits in one day. Even little skits that he made us participate in where getting a lot of views.

Our social media accounts had gotten so many followers in just a matter of two months it was crazy. I ended up putting my phone on do not disturb and setting it so only certain people could get through to contact me because the chiming was starting to get annoying.

Remus and Roman both loved the attention. De and Logan were pretty indifferent to it. I was freaking out.

For the most part people were nice and treated us great. But, there are always gonna be jerks, bullies, and bigots no matter how famous you are or aren't.

For every new follow I got on social media there were about twenty people I'd have to block. Logan and I doubt it's actually twenty different people though since a lot of people have multiple accounts on social media. It's still annoying though.

The biggest hit that showed how'd famous we'd gotten in like no time was probably the 24th of September. Roman and I were out to get some dinner to bring back to the bus. We'd all decided on pizza and Roman and I had volunteered to go pick it up. It had been raining for the past two days and we were all tired of staying cooped up in the bus. While Roman and I went to get dinner De and Logan had gone to get snacks, drinks, and a card game or something so we wouldn't die of boredom.

Roman and I were walking down the street when we heard someone yell "Oh my god." Stopping in our tracks we looked to see where the sound came from. We saw three girls running towards us. Mind you, it's still raining. We take a step back so that we're under an awning and out of their way. We didn't realize that we were the their target and not simply in their way. They came up to us and started talking really animatedly. Roman lowered his hood and brushed his hair out of his face, giving the girls one of his charming smirks. I on the other hand stepped behind him a bit and pulled my hood lower over my face and tightened the strings, letting out a soft groan.

The girls stopped talking and just stared at me. I could feel my face heating up and I mentally cursed them for staring at me.

"Back the fuck up," I looked up to see a girl with piercings walking towards us and looking royally pissed at the girls in front of us.

"Who are you?" One of the girls asked.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt Roman slip his hand into mine and give it a gentle squeeze.

"Doesn't matter. Give the guys some space," the girl said in a menacing tone. The other girls just rolled their eyes.

"You wouldn't get it."

"Try me."

"They're famous. That's Virgil and Roman from Dark Sides."

"Okay. And?"

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