April Showers

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A/N: I listened to Simple Plan's Loser of the Year on repeat while I wrote this chapter. I think it adequately conveys Roman's feelings about Virgil. Well, between that song and Zach Callison's She Doesn't Know.

Roman and I were asking wet and very pissed. Remus and De had taken it upon themselves to lock us outside until we at least started talking again. They took our keys and our phones and locked us in the backyard. And it was raining.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of the house, staring down at the wet going beneath my feet. Roman was banging on the door, yelling curses at the other two men.

Logan hadn't supported this idea so he was currently tied to a chair in the kitchen. It was Remus' idea. De decided they needed to gag him as well, even though he hadn't said anything since they tied him up.

"Remus Herzog Wulf! Open this door right the fuck now!"

"I can't hear you, " the deranged drummer called back in a sing-song voice.

"What if Virgil gets sick?"

"What do you care?" I grumbled at the same time that De yelled, "then you better get talking."

Roman looked at me with hurt in his eyes and I quickly looked away from him.

"Virgil..." he stepped away from the door and turned towards me. "I could never forgive myself if anything ever happened to you. I meant it when I said I was sorry. I would walk barefoot through broken glass for you, Virgil. I would slay a million dragon-witches to see a smile on your face. I would fall on my sword to please you."

"I'd hate you if you did that. I don't want someone to die for me."

"Then I'll live for you. Please, Virgil. Please believe that you mean the world to me and I hate myself so much for what I did to you. I betrayed your trust. That's unforgivable."

"So you've said like 90 times already."

"And I'll say it 90 more times. I will never be able to apologize enough for what I did."


"Because I hurt you."

"No, " I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, my bangs were plastered to my forehead thanks to the rain. "Why did you do it?"

Roman sighed and pushed his own rain-drenched hair out of his face. "Because I'm stupid. You were feeling insecure and I was overtired and wasn't thinking and I went off on you and you started yelling at me and I got mad and stormed off. When I finally cooled off I hated myself more than anything for the way I acted and I was too embarrassed to apologize. Not that I thought you would've wanted to hear an apology from me. So, I went to drink away the self-loathing. Which was a bad idea for multiple reasons. This girl started flirting with me and one thing led to another and I woke up at her place on Valentine's Day and I hated myself even more. So I stayed at my moms' house until I sobered up and found the courage to talk to you. But it was late and so I talked to Logan since he was still up and then he chewed me out and we started yelling and them you overheard and..." he dropped to his knees in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. His shoulders shook as sobs wracked his body. "I'm sorry, Virgil. I'm so sorry. I never meant to. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm a piece of shit human being."

I hesitated a moment and wrapped my arms around him. We fought because of my insecurities. He always puts up with them and I keep bringing them up. I'm surprised he never snapped before. It was my fault we had an argument.

"Virgil, I know what you're thinking. I know what's going through that beautifully brilliant mind of yours. Please don't blame yourself, babe. This is not your fault. None of this is your fault. I am in control of my own actions and how I respond to situations. I love you and I agreed to take the good with the bad. You have done nothing wrong. Maybe... maybe I should see a therapist. If I'm not taking care of my own mental health I can't be a good support for you."

How could he do something so heartless and cruel and still be so kind and caring and put me first? How could he take all the blame on himself? Maybe I am being too harsh. I know he needs a babysitter when he's drunk. I know he doesn't normally flirt with other people. I've seen fans flirt with him and he just ignores them. Maybe I could give him a second chance.

"I'll give you a second chance, but if you hurt me like this again I won't be able to forgive you again."

Roman stood up and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "I will never do this again. I promise. I promise that if things start to build up again I'll find a healthy way to decompress. I promise to be a better man for you."


"Yes, love?"

"Can't breathe..."

"Shit, " he quickly let me go and rubbed my back as I coughed and gasped for air. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

I chuckled and nodded my head. Patton's highs had nothing on Roman's. I think I might have actually died that time.

"May I kiss you?" His voice was timid, unsure. So unlike how he normally was. I nodded my head and he kissed me. A toe-curling kiss that was like fireworks on the beach.

I gasped softly when he finally pulled away. My hand absently went to my lips, already kiss swollen. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by Remus wolf-whistling at us.

"Now you can both come back in, " De opened the glass door and held out a couple of towels for us to take.

We gladly did so, drying off as soon as we stepped into the house. Remus wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and guided me over to the couch while Roman went and set Logan free.

We say huddled up on the couch and drank hot chocolate while Roman and I tried to warm up. Despite it being the middle of spring the rain was still ice cold so we were chilly for a long while.

A/N: The next chapter is the last one in this book. And I'd like to say in advance... Sorry.

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