Valentine's Drama & Mistakes

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Warning: Mention of underage drinking (legal drinking age in the US is 21, so I'm giving a warning because that's the law where I live).

I'm not sure why it happened. I'm not even sure how it started. But, I do know how it ended. And I was anything but happy with the ending.

It was the day before Valentine's Day. Roman and I were chilling on the couch at the studio after rehearsal, waiting for Remus and Thomas to finish talking so we could go.

I'm not sure why we decided to wait for him. He had his own car. But, we waited.

I'm not sure who spoke first. And as I started before, I'm not sure how or why it started, but we got into an argument.

We were shouting.

I slapped him.

Names were called.

Then it was over. Roman stormed out of the studio, slamming the door behind him.

Thomas and Remus came out of the booth and looked at me in confusion.

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know, " I looked over at the other two men and felt tears running down my cheeks.

Remus called De to come get us.

That's right. He and Logan went grocery shopping after rehearsal. That's why we were waiting for Remus.

I sat quietly in the back of the van, my head leaning up against the window. I watched with detached interest as the streets and houses passed us by.

I vaguely remember someone asking if I was okay. I don't know if I answered or not.

When we got home Logan led me to his room and sat me on his bed.

"Get some rest, Virgil. Things will look better in the morning."

But they didn't. Roman didn't come home that night. He didn't come home the following night wither.

Logan and I sat in the living room, binge-watching Supernatural and eating Chinese food, while De and Remus went out for the evening.

I screwed up.

"No you didn't, Virgil. I'm sure Roman has an adequate reason for not being home."

Did I say that out loud?

We fell back into a semi-comfortable silence and continued watching TV.

I woke up to yelling. When did I fall asleep? I was in Logan's bed again. I must be passed out while we were watching TV and he moved me.

I looked over to the clock on his nightstand. It was two in the morning. Who the hell was having a shouting match so damn early?

I made my way out of the room and the words hit me like a slap in the face and turned my blood into ice as it flowed through my veins.

"I was drunk! I wouldn't have cheated on him if I were sober!"

"Roman..." Logan could see me over the less than princely man's shoulder and pointed me out to him.

All of the colour left Roman's face when he turned to see me standing there with tears in my eyes.

He said he loved me. He said he would never hurt me. And yet...

All it took was one argument. One stupid little argument and he had thrown himself at someone else.

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