Great x Emotionless

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No city Layout.
Will take place in a banquet hall.
All 12 Operatives, the Supreme Leader, and unnamed Civilians will be present.
Also, this will be before the whole "Sovereignty" thing.
Great will be the nice Great_Day
Main Characters:


It was a beautiful evening. Two Operatives, Macabre and Dreadful, stood guard outside, checking all Civilians invitations. Making sure that no unwanted creature went inside.
At the buffet table, Benevolent was busy placing the cupcakes. He was making sure the pastries looked wonderful. Sorrowful was also helping him.
Unstable was finishing up setting utensils down next to the plates while Unpredictable was making sure the tables looked good.
Dynamic was making sure the sound systems sounded perfect and that the mic worked perfectly.
Radiant was greeting guests, with his usual happy(lol) self.
The other Operatives were either busy helping each other or chit chatting


Once all Civilians have arrived and were seated, Great came to the center with the mic. Behind him was Emotionless.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. My Operatives and I are very pleased that you could make it here tonight,"

Civilian 1, whispering to another Civilian: "*it's not like we had a choice.*"

"[..] without further ado, let the fun begin."

Classic music started playing and all the Civilians started chatting with each other.

"Sir, what time do you plan on sending the Civilians back home?"

"Good question, Emotionless. Probably by 2 o'clock in the morning.. Why do you ask?"

"Understood and no reason sir."

Emotionless grabbed his clipboard and fixed his vest while looking at all the Civilians dancing and having fun. 

"Having fun, Emotionless?"

The sudden voice of Great speaking, standing behind him, made him jump a bit. Causing his clipboard to fall to the floor.

"Oh, did I scare you? I apologize Emotionless."

"No sir. You just startled me a bit, sir." 

"Hm, I see. But you didn't answer my question Emotionless. I asked if you were having fun."


 Emotionless paused and picked up his clipboard. He looked around the room and saw all the civilians in their tuxs, some chose to wear dresses. They were all chatting, drinking ginger ale from their wine glasses(no I'm not promoting alcohol). They were having fun.

"Sir.. I wouldn't call this fun. I really don't mind just standing here and supervising."

"Oh, Emotionless. You're so dedicated to your work that.. you don't have time to enjoy new things."

Great took out his walkie talkie and asked for a specific song to play.

The song started playing and all Civilians, even some operatives, got into pairs and started dancing.

"Care for a dance, Emotionless?"

"Oh, sir. I- don't know how to dance."

"That's alright with me. Just grab my arms and we'll go along with the music."

Emotionless grabbed his hands and Great started moving his feet at a steady, but slow, pace. Emotionless did the same.

The dancing went on for at least another 3 minutes until it stopped, and regular music started playing.

Great let go and once he did, he heard a small 'sniff' sound and looked at Emotionless.

He was crying(lol).

"Emotionless, are you alright? You're crying. Tell me what's wrong."

"O-oh, I am? It's just that.. even though it was a calm and slow dance, I still had fun. It made me feel.. happy.

Emotionless dropped his clipboard. He took off his hat and held it in his hands.

"Thank you, sir. For showing me what it feels like to be happy."

Great smiled. He reached for Emotionless's arm and held it.

"It makes me smile, to see that you're feeling.. happy."

He smiled as he pulled Emotionless in for a HUG.


I want to thank my fingers for being able to type this.
I also want to thank my brain for being able to come up with this while reading a wattpad story lol.

This is a VERY late request, so I apologize(I actually dont know if the person who requested this still wants to be tagged, so...  no tag lol

jshjsdfjsdfsdfsdh anyways, thank you for reading.
Also please excuse the last part for there being like 6(?) single lines ssdgsdhdsf

[Update: Happy Holidays guys!!]

Total words: 700

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