Macabre_Day & Toddler!reader

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TW: mention of firearms

Y/N woke up to the sound of Operatives making a huge racket.

Apparently, Benevolent has gotten sick and wasn't up to make them pancakes as he said he would. So, a few of the Operatives were trying to make some, but failed.

"Ugh, I told you! You should've bought more eggs!"

Dreadful yelled at Unstable.

"Sory, can't help it. Thought would work. What can do now?"

Placid kept sipping tea, while Macabre just slouched against the wall next to the room Y/N was in.

Y/N opened the door and walked into the living room, yawning.

Dreadful was about to hit Unstable with the spatula until he spotted Y/N.

"Oh- Looks like the baby woke up, huh?"

"Dreadful, they're a toddler."

"Still a baby though."

Placid sighed, and kept drinking his tea. Unpredictable turned the stove off.

"Good morning Y/N! Your babysitter is standing right behind you on the wall. You're gonna have a fun time with him, aren't you?"

Y/N nodded happily as Macabre straightened his posture.

"Hm, I guess I'm off with Y/N then. Just saves me from being burnt and blamed on when you guys burn down the house and Emo finds out."

Placid spit out his tea.

"Just one more thing, where's Radiant? I usually hear him singing and playing that guitar of his."

"He left, he went to go sing for the Civilians."

Macabre felt relieved.

"Good, I won't have to have Civilians watching me look after this baby."

Placid got up and pushed Macabre out of the house. Y/N giggled.


"So.. do you want to see the graveyard?"

Y/N looked at Macabre curiously, not knowing what "graveyard" meant.

"Ah, that's right. You're still small. A graveyard is where people sleep in when they go 'bleh'." Macabre explained while making a dead face.

Y/N giggled again.

"Anyways.. come on, let's go."

Macabre held Y/N's hand as both of them headed down towards the second level of the City.

Y/N watched around themselves, seeing places that looked interesting.

Once Macabre and Y/N arrived at the graveyard, he quickly breathed out and made sure his gun was loaded.

Alright Macabre, you can do this. Just make sure you don't aim at the baby.

Aim at your target board, not the baby. Aim at your target board, not the baby. Aim at your target board, not th-

Y/N sneezed, causing him to go back into reality.

Macabre then proceeded to walk into his graveyard and walk over towards the hill inside.

He went up the hill to do a final check up to see if he was able to spot any unknown creature or Civilian.

Once the coast was clear, he jumped down towards the City's wall direction, placed down his target boards and started firing.

Y/N watched him as he was firing bullets into the board.

"uhmm, why thing make loud sound ?"

The sudden dialogue from Y/N startled him and made him miss a shot, making the bullet hit the City wall.

"Ah.. sorry. I forgot that you don't know what this is yet. But I'm sure you've seen it before, right?"

Y/N nodded no.

"Oh. Well, this is called a gun. You can use it to shoot people as self defense. And also for other reasons... BUT, I'm sure there's no harm in letting you handle one."

He walked over to Y/N and let them hold it. He then moved their arms to get ready to fire at a tree.

Pulling the trigger, the bullet fired straight into the small tree, making the bullet get stuck inside.

"Not bad.. for a baby that is."

Macabre exhaled.

"Hm.. as much as I'd like you to get better at self defense.. I don't want Emotionless seeing me. So-"

He unloaded his gun and replaced the bullets with water. He then somehow made a nozzle so the water can easily come out.

"Here. This is more safer for babies. You can play around with this."

He handed Y/N the now-turned-water gun and let them have fun with it.

Y/N ran around the graveyard, shooting at almost everything they could see.

Macabre sat down on the grass and stared down at the floor, going into his own little world. That is, until he was sprayed with water.

Y/N giggled and dropped the gun down. They ran towards Macabre and threw themselves on him.

Macabre stayed still, being hugged by the little toddler.

"Mac.. me want hug plese"

Macabre lifted his arms from his side and wrapped them around Y/N. Hugging them back as well.

Macabre hugged Y/N tighter. Looking down at them and not letting go.


The sudden noise of a camera made him lift his head and look around to see what was the cause of it.

He then saw Radiant, along with the crowd of Civilians that tagged along.

"-And that's how you get a perfectly good picture of someone, who deals a lot with death related things, hugging a little innocent child."

Some of the Civilians clapped and congratulated Radiant.

"Tch. Why did you sneak up on me like that? Even better, why are you all here?"

"I'm giving them a tour. Since you weren't available to show the Civilians your graveyard, I decided to show them. That's when we spotted you and decided it'd be a good idea to see that you also have a good heart. Hehe."

Macabre stood up, carrying Y/N in his arms.

"Hmph. I'm leaving now to give Y/N my own tour, farewell."

He left as he heard Radiant and the Civilians giggling.

And just as he said, he proceeded to give Y/N a small tour as well.


It was now getting late and the little one as slowly falling alseep, resting their head on Macabre's right shoulder.

Macabre took out his key and opened the door to the house. Walking inside.

"Welcome back, did you feed them?"

Emotionless was there too, gesturing Macabre that he should place Y/N down in the small crib that Practical had built.

"Of course I did."

Macabre tucked Y/N in and kissed their head.

"Oh? Well that's something new coming from you. And, we heard what happened at the graveyard."

Macabre growled at Placid, making the skull masked gentleman laugh.

{to be continued}

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