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[Author's P.O.V]
The sun rose up high over the city. Giving off a little bit of sunlight from all the clouds surrounding it.

The streets started to fill with your usual Civilians; chatting with their friends, shopping for clothes/resources, or just wanting to annoy the Operatives by following them around like small puppies following their mother.

The Operatives house was loud and busy, as it always was in the mornings.

But this morning.. it was sort of different.

Normally, Emotionless would be the first one awake. Today he wasn't.

The Operatives didn't take too much care into it, figuring out that Emotionless was only nervous about taking care of a child.

Of course he would be nervous. He can't even feel his own emotions, how is he supposed to know what Y/N wants? Will he know when they're happy? When they're sad?

All this just kept hitting him repeatedly. Knowing that for once, he might actually do poorly on a task.

Sure, he might have helped Unstable when he started panicking about not knowing what to do but, he simply gave the quickest suggestion he could think of.

Emotionless sat on his bed, spacing out and going over the same thoughts in his head.

He then was brought back to reality when he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in."

"Hey Emo.. we're leaving for work now, okay? If you need help with anything... don't hesitate in calling any of us. We're here for you, alright?"

"Understood. Farewell, [Operative] Placid."

"Goodbye and see you later."

Placid smiled kindly and then shut the door.

Emotionless let out a long sigh, covering his face with his hands.

He then stood up and changed into his suit, putting on his bowtie, and later his hat.

He walked out of his room, noticing Y/N still asleep.

He sighed in relief, and went towards the kitchen to make some breakfast.

He started cooking, making some pancakes and a making a (flavor) milkshake.

The smell of pancakes filled the house, waking Y/N up.

"Greetings, Y/N."


Emotionless watched as Y/N climbed out of their crib and walked over towards him.



Y/N wrapped their baby arms around his leg.

"hehe gween man comfy"

Emotionless just stared at Y/N, watching them hug his leg

"Y/N, you should eat before you can continue playing."

Y/N stopped hugging his leg and ran over to their seat. Emotionless picked them up and sat them down. Y/N soon began eating, as Emotionless was sitting right across from them, eating but lost in his thoughts.

They hugged him..? He didn't know what to do so he just.. stood there.


Once Emotionless finished cleaning up dishes, he turned towards Y/N.

"Y/N, would you like to go for a [STROLL]?"

"yes please"


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