Macabre x Reader

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Requested by: R4dio_H0e
Macabre will be summoned as a demon or something by Y/N. The story goes on from there.
Y/N = Your name
Pronouns: They/Them (any)
Ages of characters: Y/N=16, Mac=17 (not canon)
Setting: Forest?? Abandoned House??

Y/N was running towards this old log cabin.
The cabin was pretty much abandoned except for a sturdy log that Y/N decided to move into the cabin. And some old furniture in there.

"Well here goes nothing."

Y/N painted a pentagram with the black paint they brought. They lit the candles up and took out the spell book from their backpack.

They sat in the middle and started chanting the spell.

"... release the spirit of tragedy."

One by one, the candles dropped to the floor. A red protective aura spawned around Y/N. The candle fire was now lit in several different colors, all traveling towards Y/N.

Y/N started getting nervous but then breathed in and out.

The fire was put out.

Huh? Why did the fire extinguish..? Y/N thought.

Then all of a sudden the fire burst out in flames, making a circle in which a figure appeared.

Y/N kept staring and as the smoke dissapeared, they could clearly see who it was.

"Why did you summon me, [CIVILIAN]."

"I-just.. um I-I-I was just kinda curious.."

Macabre stepped down and hovered over Y/N. He shook his head in disappointment.

"Seeing as how I'm [STUCK] here for a [DAY]... I might as well practice with my [TARGET] skills."

Y/Ns gaze followed Macabre as he walked out into the forest. Y/N followed him.


Y/N just kept staring at him, as he was shooting at trees and other items he set as targets.

Y/N dazed off and before they knew it, they were touching his hair. Holding his cap in the other hand.

"Wh-what are you doing.. [C-CIVILIAN]?"

Macabre was frozen as Y/N kept petting his hair. He had a small tint of pink on his CHEEKS.

Y/N snapped back into reality until they actually realized what was going on.

"Oh! I-I am so sorry Macabre!"

Y/N removed their hand away from his hair.

Surprisingly, he grabbed their hand, took them over and sat them on a tree stump, and then sat down right in front of them.

"Y-You can [CONTINUE]."

Y/N smiled and kept touching his hair. They used both hands and began playing with his hair.

Macabre fell asleep on their lap.


Ok but why did this chapter feel like one of those Royale High roleplays where it's like
"~pets tail~ UwUz"
"*blushes* -w-"
This sucked but gidkgk time for me to go to school


Total words: 470.

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