10k special.

1.9K 19 5

Yes this is the real thing but no face reveal because no

First of,
I want to thank all of you. When I first started thinking of making this book(?), I was a bit nervous. I didnt know what to do. This was in February, and at that time, I was really interested in reading Days Union fanfics (lol). Since I couldn't find that many, (or maybe I'm just blind) I decided to start writing my own fanfics. Over time, I watched as more of you started viewing my fanfics.

To think that I would ever reach this far.. I never even imagined this to happen.

I'm honestly very truly grateful for you all. The comments you guys write make me smile and overall just feel better.

And I mean it.

I want to know if there is anything you'd like me to do for this

Like, maybe a Q and A... idk what else :p

I think it's time for me to reveal myself.

You can find me on:
IG via @_barking_cat_
Disc via Jul#2881
Twitter via @Barking_Cat_

I'm not asking for follows. I just thought it's time to reveal myself :P

Than k you everyone, once again

Also, if anyone else plays Obey Me! shall we date?, feel free to add me

my friend code is: 1240206096

stan Satan lol

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