Placid_Day & Toddler!Reader

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[Authors P.O.V]

Dynamic had woken up by the sound of movement in his residence. He looked over to see what it was and saw Y/N trying to push a chair towards him.

"Gud morning!!" Y/N exclaimed as they realized Dynamic had finally woken up.

"Ah, good morning Y/N! Had a good sleep?"

Y/N nodded and went to their suitcase.

"We leave??"

"Oh! That's right! We have to take you to your next babysitter!"

Dynamic stood up and walked towards Y/N, picking both Y/N and the suitcase up.


When Dynamic and Y/N arrived at Benevolent's bakery for breakfast. Placid sneaked up on Dynamic and spooked him. Y/N giggled.

"Placid, why would you do that?"

"Ahah. It's fun y'know."

Placid smiled.

"Well, you're here now so that's all that matters. If you excuse me, I will be getting a small slice of bread and then I'll be off."

Placid nodded a farewell at him and sat down right across from Y/N.

"Well, it's time to get our day started!" Placid said, bringing both of his hands together.

He dug around into one of his bags he brought with him. He took out some accessories and clothing.

"Alrighty Y/N! Now come follow me inside the bakery. We're gonna have a little fun."

Y/N hopped down from their chair and followed Placid inside.

[Placid's P.O.V]

Once me and Y/N were inside, I talked to Bene about having access to his kitchen so I could dress Y/N into the costume I had gotten them.

After recieving permission, I took Y/N into the kitchen along with their suitcase to use as a stool. I removed their overalls and fit them into a nice outfit. I then styled their hair a bit, adding some sparkles and later placing a paper crown.

"Aw, Y/N. You look super fancy! I can't forget about myself though!"

I styled my hair, fixed my bowtie, and put on some gloves.

"Ok Y/N. We are going to pretend we are at a Tea Party. I will be your butler and Bene will be your royal chef. Now, let's go!"

Y/N giggled as they ran back into the eating area and sat on a chair. Benevolent came to our table, bringing a tray with hisbiscus tea and a plate with small sandwiches.

"Lemme know if you need anymore food, sire!"

Benevolent bowed towards Y/N and went back to making more things.

"Ok Sire, shall I pour you some tea?"

Y/N nodded and I poured them some tea carefully.

[Y/N'S P.O.V]

I looked at my cup and saw the pretty red color. I sniffed it and then drinked it.


I looked at my babysitter and I saw him look happy. I kept drinking more of my drink.

I reached out towards the sandwich, trying to show him that I wanted some.

"Oh, would you care for some sandwiches Sire?"

I nodded at him and he placed one down on my plate.

When I was about to eat my sandwich, I heard a few other people coming inside the building and rushing to my babysitter.

"Greetings Placid! How are you doing?"


One of them looked at me and then started saying something.

"Wait, isn't she the little child from yesterdays show?"

"OH YEAH! I remember the child too!"

My babysitter looked at me and showed a happy face.

"Haha, looks like someone's gotten popular. Isn't that right, Sire?"


"Ah, this here is Y/N. I'm babysitting them for someone until they come back. You'll most likely be seeing them around, seeing as how you all enjoy talking to other Operatives as well. Oh, and we're also playing tea party. It's why I said 'Sire'."

All the other strangers started saying hi to me and I just ate my sandwich.

"Why don't you join us in our play date? But remember to call Y/N 'Sire', ok?"

Everyone else nodded and then they sat down on the other chairs.


[Authors P.O.V]

After a long day of playing and pretending Y/N was royalty with a few other Civilians, it was time to head home.

Y/N yawned.

"Looks like someone needs their royal sleeping, isn't that right Y/N?" Placid said, while picking up Y/N.

"I'd love to stay and chat but.. baby needs first you know."

The other Civilians nodded in agreement and waved both Placid and Y/N off.

While on the way to his place. Placid had started getting an uneasy feeling.

".. Something tells me that... we're not the only ones here."

He carefully held Y/N with one arm and rested his other arm on his gun. Getting ready to release fire at whatever else might be here.

He carefully started walking, that is until he heard a scream. But it didn't sound like a 'I want to attack you' scream, it was more of a 'someone please help, I'm being attacked' scream.

Placid grabbed his gun and held it into his hands.

"Who's there!? Answer now or I will release fire."

Placid saw something moving towards, but as the thing got closer, he realized that it was only a Civilian. But they weren't alone.

"What is that?"

"Placid help me! This thing is chasing me, I don't know what to do!"

Placid noticed the Civilian was somewhat hurt, seeing as how they were holding their arm. He quickly told them to carefully carry Y/N as best as they could and then shot whatever creature that was.

But it wasn't over, more creatures started appearing and charging at them.

"Ugh... please run to the shelters immediately. Alert any other Civilian you see. It seems like our city's being attacked."

The Civilian nodded and ran off with Y/N towards the shelters. Running along with other Civilians they had told.

Placid reached out towards his walkie talkie and kept shooting the creatures.

"Emotionless.. I think we're being attacked. I ran into a Civilian being chased by a creature on my way home. Y/N is with the Civilian, they're on the way to the shelters along with other Civilians. I'm currently trying to head over there without getting injured."

//"Understood, any other Operative picking this up please report to duty. Send all Civilians to the shelters immediately."\\

{to be continued}

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