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I couldn't believe I was really standing there. In front of an still unfamiliar door, in an still unfamiliar city.
After I graduated I was finally able to move out from home. It's not that my family was particularly bad or something I just loved the idea of living on my own. It always sounded like freedom to me.
So here I was, standing in front of my new apartment. Finally able to completely decide for myself. Nobody telling me to go to sleep, nobody nagging if I haven't cleaned my room yet, just living in peace.

Although I was euphoric to move into my new place I will miss my home. Especially my best friends, Lucian and Maia.Okay, honestly they were my only friends but what does it matter. It's just not as easy to make friends as it always seems, or is it just me? Whatever.

With an internal cheer I found the key in the pocket of my jacket and finally opened the door. The moment I saw the hallway of my new apartment I can't help but to jump a little in excitement - I am just so happy I can't comprehend it- even though I've already seen it before.
The moment I noticed I was still standing in the doorframe I quickly go inside and place my bags in the living room which was combined with the kitchen. It wasn't that big but it was mine.

I knew I should probably start to unpack but I was tired and I kinda wanted to explore the streets, so I decided to go for a walk first.

When I exited the building I stopped for a moment, not knowing which direction to go, but I figured it didn't really matter and started walking down the street. It was a calm part of the city and the streets were nearly empty, but this could also be coursed by the time. It was nearly nighttime, the sun set only a few minutes away.
Shaking my head at my own obliviousness, I continued walking.

I passed many buildings and a park, I was definitely going to visit sometime, on my way. By now I was freezing and thought it would be better to jog home to warm up a little. Did I mention it started to rain, like literally POURED really heavy. I was soaked with in a few seconds. Because of the rain I couldn't see clearly but managed to find my way back somehow.

As soon as my apartment complex came into sight I started to sprint. Sprinted like never did before -you should know I'm not that athletic. I just don't see the point of it...

Suddenly I bumped into something and fell to the ground. Hard.
"fuck", I muttered under my breath as I saw my jeans were ripped at the knees.

"I honestly expected an 'sorry' or something but I can work with that", I jumped in shock the moment I heard the voice. I didn't realise it was a person I bumped into..
"Oh my God! I I'm so so-sorry. I didn't realised I ran into you,I mean into a person, I thought I-", I stumbled on my words, eyes glued to the ground, but was cut of by the voice - or more person- at this moment.

" Don't worry, it's okay. Nothing happened so calm down a bit", he told me with a small laugh. While he talked I glanced at him for the first time. It's a boy, probably around my age, I guess 18 maybe 19.
He seemed to be fine so I was finally able to relax a little.

"I am really sorry though.", I told him, this time without stutter.
"Don't be, it's cool really. But we should probably get out of the rain. Are you headed far from here?"
His question confused me, but I had already answered him, that we're in fact standing exactly in front of my apartment, without thinking about why I am telling a complete stranger where I live.

" Ohh, so that's why you ran then. ", he chuckled," Well, goodbye..?"
"Jae", I answered as I figured he was implying on my name - not gonna lie, I was a little proud of my social skill in that moment.
"Young Hyun", his words woke me from my little celebration, but I couldn't help but to think, what a beautiful name.
"So, goodbye Young Hyun, get home well."
"You too", he grinned, knowing you just had to go up the stairs, and left towards downtown.

A minute later I was back inside my apartment, completely soaked and freezing. So I took a quick shower and changed into sweatpants and an oversized hoodie.
Remembering I didn't buy any groceries yet, I ordered a pizza and plopped down on the couch.
And just like that my first day of living on my own was over and I soon went to sleep.

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