It's Time

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"You can do this. You can do this..."

I mumbled to myself, my eyes closed as I rubbed my hands together.

I felt a hand on my shoulders, I looked up from my hands to see the smile that never fails to vanish my worries.

"I'm here with you, nothing will happen to me or Kong. Don't worry, Krist," Singto's words made me relax a bit, yet there was concern filled in my mind.

I sighed and nodded as I tried to smile. I looked at the front seat of the car to see Arthit and Kongpob driving peacefully than I thought, their face looks as if they are going to an amusement park.

My breath hitched when I saw the car entering through the company's gate. The security saluted at Arthit, probably thinking it was me. I saw his eyes widen in confusion when he saw me inside the car and there I knew the news will reach my father's ears within minutes.

"The game has begun!" Arthit exclaimed with a smirk as he parked the car.

I looked at Singto who stared back at me with a sly smile. I took his hands in mine and got out of my car. Slowly we two walked towards the building.

Today's gonna be a long day.

As we walked into the building all our employees were looking at us as if they are seeing alien, I was concerned whether their eyes would pop out at how wide their eyes were.

The employees who had been in the company for years easily recognized me and Arthit, they were surprised seeing Arthit with me since they know one of Mr.Perawat's son had left the family, they know it is Arthit since I'm always here.


Ice called out as he rushed towards us. He hugged Arthit and I smiled at them. Arthit and Ice were best buddies, they were more attached to than me and Ice, but after Arthit's disappearance, this is the first time they're meeting.

"I missed you soo much, man," Arthit hugged his best friend tightly.

Ice pulled away from the hug and smiled at us.

"You guys will really have a hard time, Mr.Perawat is here. He's at the President's office, talking about starting a new branch in Korea," Ice sighed.

I and Arthit looked at each other, he nodded at me and I could only sigh.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Kongpob asked us.

I turned towards Singto who was looking away from the strong gaze the employees were directed towards us.

I chuckle as I pulled him closer.

"We'll wait in my office and I'm sure Mr.Perawat will be running towards us as soon as he gets the information," I smirked.

All of us nodded as we walked towards my room.

"Kongpob? Singto?"

A voice called us from the back.

We all turned our heads to meet Mr.Yan, my secretary with a stunned and amazed gaze, staring at us.


We snapped our head towards Kongpob who stood like a stone beside Arthit.

"Kongpob...." Mr.Yan walked towards Kongpob and they hugged each other.

I looked at Singto, trying to find the answer or Kongpob's and Mr.Yan's relationship but what I saw made me panic.

Singto had his eyes shut, his hands on his forehead, rubbing his temples.

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