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This picture of Danny tho 🥴🤤😍

Roy's P.O.V.
I can't believe Danny said yes to All Stars. His dad died A MONTH AGO. He's already stressed enough as it is, but doing this on top of that could literally kill him. I can't lose him. Not to this.
I decide to call Shane. He needs to know what's going on. I press the call button and Shane answers after two rings.

S: "Hey Roy! What's up? How's Danny doing?"
R: "Not good. Drag Race called him, asking if he wanted to do All Stars 2. He said yes."
S: "Oh god. I've seen Danny like this before, and it's never ended up good. You have to stop him from going."
R: "I tried, but he said that he's doing it no matter what I say."
S: "Well what are we going to do? He can't go, it'll ruin him."
R: "You don't think I know that?! I love him, more than I've loved anyone before. I don't want him going at all, but knowing Danny, he'll do whatever it takes to get his way. I just have to support his decision, no matter how much I dislike it."
S: "If you say so, Roy. Look, I gotta go. I have a gig tonight."
R: "Alright. Talk later, Shane."
And with that, I hang up the phone. I lay back on my bed. I grab a pillow that is in my reach, and scream into it as hard as humanly possible. I hate that I just have to watch Danny go on a massive downward spiral, and I can't do anything to stop it.

Danny's P.O.V.
I've been packing all of my shit up since the early morning, and I'm finally ready to hit the road and get this adventure started. I knock on my open bedroom door.
"Willow, I'm leaving."
"Okay. Promise that you will call me as soon as you get to the hotel?"
I pull Roy into a hug that I wish would never end. It was like all of my problems didn't exist anymore. They just vanished. Once we pull away, I press my lips on his. It was supposed to be a quick, simple kiss, but it ended up with me and Roy on the bed, completely out of breath.
"I love you, Chola."
"I love you more, Willow."
I get up off the bed, leave our house, and I get into my car. Once I close the car door, tears just begin flowing down my face. I don't want to leave Roy. I don't want to do this. But it's like I can't tell myself no. My brain won't let me.
I begin driving to LA, and all I can think about is Roy. Will he be mad at me? Will he hate me because I did this? Could this potentially ruin our relationship? That's it. I have to stop thinking of him. He's loved me through thick and thin. He loves me. He won't leave because of this ONE thing.

Will he?

I arrive to the set of drag race, and all of these memories begin flooding back. Vivacious and Ornacia, Meeting Bianca, Gia's wonky eyelash, just so many memories that I will cherish forever.
While I'm walking to the building, I'm stopped by one of the producers of the show, Jacqueline Wilson. (Rest in peace you beautiful soul. <3)
"Hey Adore! I'm here to take you to your hotel room."
"Hey Jacqueline! I've missed hanging out with you. We have to do it again sometime."
"For sure. Oh, how are things with you and Bianca?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.
"They are good. She did get a little mad at me for saying yes to this, because I've been going through a lot."
"I'm all ears. Let everything out."
This is why I love Jacqueline. She always listens to what you have to say, no matter how stupid it may be. I remember one time, I told her about my most embarrassing one night stand. That was a night filled with laughs and memories.
"My father passed away about a month ago. It's been really tough. His funeral was a week ago."
"I'm so sorry, baby. You should be with your family at this time. Why did you say yes to this?"
"I don't know. I wasn't thinking. All I thought about in that moment was it could possibly take the pain away, or at least subside it. It's too late to turn back now."
"Just know that if you need anyone, you've got me."
"Thank you."
"No problem, baby."
We walk up to my hotel room, and Jacqueline fills me in on what we are doing.
"So I'm going to be the last person to walk in?"
"Yeah. Ooh, can I see your outfit?" She asks excitedly.
"Of course."
I pull out my outfit, which is a 90's grunge girl inspired look.
"It looks badass! You're gonna look great!"
"Alrighty, I gotta go help set up for filming tomorrow, but I'll see you soon."
"Bye, Jacqueline!"
Jacqueline leaves my room, and not long after, a camera crew comes in, telling me that they are going to film everyone's guesses to who is here and all that junk. I even showed them the new expensive outfits and wigs I got. The interview only lasted about 45 minutes, but it felt like it went by really fast. I should probably go to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow.

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