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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! I lowkey/highkey hate this story so I don't know how it got this many reads but THANK YOU ALL!

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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! I lowkey/highkey hate this story so I don't know how it got this many reads but THANK YOU ALL!

Roy's P.O.V.
That's it. I can't wait any longer. I'm doing this today. I've got everything set up, all I need is to take Danny to where it's gonna happen: the park close to our house. I call Shane, and he answers after two rings.

S: "Hey Roy! What's up?"
R: "I'm doing it today."
S: "Finally! Took long enough!"
R: "Oh, shut up. Just get everyone to go to the park near our house. I'll text you when I get there with Danny."
S: "Got it. See you in a bit!"

Alright, this plan is in motion! I knock on our bedroom door, where Danny is on his phone.

"Hey, would you wanna walk around the park together? We used to do it all the time, and I would like to start again." I ask him.


"Okay I'll let you know when I'm ready to go."

-30 minutes later-

Shane texts me that everyone's at the park and that everything is set up.

"Danny, I'm ready! Let's go!" I yell up the stairs.

"I'm coming!"

He comes down the stairs, looking as sexy as ever. God I can't wait.

We get into the car, and begin driving to the park. I'm so fucking ready for this to happen. I've been wanting to do this since we first said 'I love you' to each other. Today is finally the day, and I couldn't be any happier.

We get to the park, and Danny looks confused by all of our friends and family here.

"The hell is this?" He asks me.

"Just you wait." I tell him.

I walk him to a bench and sit him down. A man with a guitar walks up.

"Alright, I don't sing at all, so don't make fun of me. And that goes for all of you bitches." I tell everyone surrounding us. The man starts strumming his guitar and I begin singing the song.

"I like the outfit you got yesterday at 12:23
And my favourite thing to do is watch you dream in your sleep
Hello, I'm so happy that you're mine"

"Oh my god." Danny says, covering his mouth with his hands.

"And I think you blocked my number, so I got a new phone
'Cause I'll always be there even when you think you're alone
Hello, never gonna say goodbye

Always be together"
"Always and forever" Alyssa jumps in, adding a tongue pop for extra character.

"I won't leave, until you answer me
What do you say?"

Everyone joins in for the 'hello' part.

"Hello, hello
Hello, hello"

"I love you
You're all mine, until the end of time
What do you say?"

"Hello, hello
Hello, hello"

"I love you"

Danny begins tearing up.

"Got our song, it's up and ready for our very first kiss
And I brought a list of names for when we're ready for kids
Hello, I'm so happy that you're mine"

Everyone at the park is surrounding us at this point.

"Kept a locket of your hair for my collection of you
When you say I'm fucking crazy, I know you mean I'm cute
Hello, never gonna say goodbye"

Danny mouths the words "I love you.", making me smile.

"Always be together
Always and forever

I won't leave, until you answer me
What do you say?"

"Hello, hello
Hello, hello"

"I love you
You're all mine, until the end of time
What do you say?"

"Hello, hello
Hello, hello"

"I love you"

The park begins clapping, and Danny's a crying mess.

I grab his hand and pull him up off the bench.

"Daniel Anthony Noriega. When I first met you, I thought you were sexy, but also annoying as hell. When I got to know you more intimately, those thoughts didn't change."

Everyone begins laughing.

"And when you kissed me in that hotel room for the first time, I didn't know what to think. For some reason I didn't think it was because you liked me back. But obviously I was wrong. You have been a constant light in my life for the past 4 years. I have been happier, less depressed, and more outgoing. You are my fucking everything. I don't know where I would be now without you by my side 24/7. So when I almost lost you," I begin choking up, but continue talking.

"I almost lost myself as well. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my Chola, and most importantly, my person. I love you so fucking much."

I get down on one knee, and pull out a small black velvet box. Danny begins sobbing uncontrollably.

"So Danny, will you make me the happiest old bitch in the world? Will you marry me?"

"Of course I fucking will!" The entire park claps and cheers.

I get up off the ground, and crash my lips onto his. I did it. I'm actually engaged to the love of my life. Holy shit!

I pull away, and put the ring on his finger.

"It's so beautiful, just like you." He says.

"Oh god, we're turning into one of those couples, aren't we?"

"Bitch, we are two men who dress up as women for a living. We will never be one of those couples."
I laugh at his statement.

"Oh, how was my singing?"

"Better than your dancing."

"Fuck you."

"Hey Roy?"


"I fucking love you."

"I fucking love you too."

I Need You - Biadore (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now