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Roy's P.O.V.
Ever since we came home from All Stars, Danny's been acting strange. At first he's sad and angry, then he's just.....numb. We haven't gone out on a date or had sex since he's been in this slump. I really miss the old Danny: A huge ray of happiness, and a complete fucking Chola. Now he's just depressed and we barely talk to each other, and it's all my fault. I knew All Stars was a bad fucking idea, and I should've pushed harder for him not to go, but I didn't. I'm so stupid! I grab the closest thing to me, which is an empty beer bottle and throw it at the wall. It breaks immediately when it hits the wall, and makes a loud ass sound; loud enough that Danny heard it from downstairs. He comes running up the stairs into our room, the look of concern on his face visible.
"You okay?! What happened?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just let my anger get to me."
"What were you mad about?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine, I promise." I say, lying through my teeth.
"Okay. Well, let me help you clean this bottle up."
We clean up the broken bottle pieces, and he goes back downstairs.
I decide to take a shower. They help me relieve stress, and they are extremely relaxing. I take off my clothes, step in the shower, and let the steaming hot water roll down my body. While I'm in the shower, all I can think about is Danny, and how happy he used to be. Now, he never leaves the house. And with me leaving for a tour in a week, I don't know how he's gonna handle.
I get out of the shower, wrap a towel around my waist, and head back into our bedroom. I open the underwear drawer, where I see part of something orange and plastic. I pull it out, and it's an almost empty pill bottle. My heart immediately drops. I'm so in shock that I don't hear Danny come in the room.
"Hey, Roy just wanted to chec-" he stops his sentence once he sees the bottle in my hand.
"Danny, what is this?" I say, not able to look at him.
"Roy, I-"
"WHAT IS THIS?!" I turn to look at him, my vision blurred with tears.
"I'm so sorry." is all he's able to say to me. I don't know what to say. I'm angry, sad, confused. All I know is that I need to be away from Danny right now. I grab the bottle of pills, grab my car keys, and head towards the door.
"Roy, please!" I hear Danny say, running up to me.
I stop in my tracks, but don't turn around to face him.
"Why, Danny? Why couldn't you talk to me? Why did you hide this from me?"
"I don't know. I was scared, I was embarrassed, I was afraid you would leave me once you found out."
"I....I need to go." I reply, and continue walking to the door.
"Roy please! I need you." Danny says, beginning to sob.
"I just need some time to clear my mind, okay? I'll be back." And with that, I leave the house and get into my car. Once I get into my car, I scream my lungs out. Why would he feel the need to hide this from me? Why would he start using?

Why, Danny?

I Need You - Biadore (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now