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Danny's P.O.V.
Today's the day. Today's the day I marry the love of my life. Everyone's waiting at the altar, while I'm finishing up the final details of my outfit. I'm in full beat, my shoulder length hair slicked back, with a white tux and heels on. This is the kind of androgynous shit that I live for. I look hot as fuck. I put on one of my favorite chokers, and I'm ready to get married, bitches!

"You ready, baby?" My mom asks, peeking her head through the door. My dad isn't here to walk me down the aisle, so my mom is doing the honor.

"I'm ready. How do I look?"

"Like a million bucks. I'm so proud of you, baby." Her saying that made me tear up a bit.

"Mom, I'm not supposed to cry yet!" I say, dabbing the tears away with a tissue.

"Sorry! I'm excited! Okay, let's do this so I can eat the cake."

"I love you, momma." I say, laughing.

"Love you too, baby."


My "bridesmaids" aka Diana, Courtney, and Jinkx walk down one by one with their significant others. It's almost time for me to walk down and see the man of my dreams. The music stars playing and the guests stand up, and my mom and I begin walking down the aisle, and I see Roy. He's wearing a black tux, and his hair is styled to perfection. God, he's hot. Roy lays his eyes on me, and immediately begins tearing up, causing me to do the same. I reach the end of the aisle, and see everyone I love here; almost every single drag queen in the U.S. is here, some in drag, some out, and some with light everyday makeup. My family and best friends, Roy's family and best friends, even Sammy and Dede are in the front row! Me and Roy's eyes are locked as Thorgy Thor, who loves to brag that she's an ordained minister, begins talking.

"Please be seated. We're all here today to celebrate the relationship of Roy Haylock and Daniel Noriega and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another. Together we're a group of the most important people in their lives and they've brought us here to publically recognize that we've all played some special part in the love they share today."

"That's me!" RuPaul yells out, causing everyone to laugh. Thorgy continues;

"Danny and Roy wanted me to thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each and every one of you are to their relationship. They would also like to recognize all of those who couldn't make it here today as they are certainly missed but not forgotten on this day of celebration — especially Ornacia. She is with us in spirit."

"Preach!" We hear Vivacious yell, causing me to chuckle.

"Speaking of important people, there were none more important in influencing the lives of  Danny and Roy than their parents. With that being said, who gives Danny away in marriage to this man?"

"That would be me!" Mom answers, raising her hand in the air.

"Marriage gives permanence and structure to a couple's love. It's a way to tell one another that no matter how much you snore or how much you spent while out at the shopping mall, we're still in this together. It's more permanent than the weird tattoo that Danny got on his arm in his early twenties and has more staying power than Roy's monotone bitchy voice that he's had since they first met. Marriage is telling the person you love that you're not going anywhere and that's a powerful commitment for two people to make to one another. A good marriage must be built on the foundation of this commitment. In marriage the "little" things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say, "I love you" at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together and facing the world. It is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner — it is being the right partner . The road that has brought Danny and Roy here today hasn't been easy. It's been filled with challenges that they weren't necessarily prepared for."

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