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Bianca's P.O.V.
I've been driving for the past hour. I just don't know what to think of this entire situation. Danny's been using for who knows how long, and I couldn't fucking tell because I haven't been paying enough attention to him. I should fucking know better. I know how Danny gets during his depressive states. I should have fucking seen the signs. God I'm so fucking stupid!

I go to a nearby dump to throw the pills in, because I'm not letting Danny do this to himself anymore. Not on my watch. Once I throw the pills away, I get back in my car, and head back to the house. I enter the house, and I hear the shower running. Danny must've hopped in the shower to calm himself down. He does that whenever he's stressed. I knock on the door to the bathroom.

"Danny? Baby, it's me. I'm ready to talk."

There was no response. I knock again.

"Danny? Look, I know I was a little aggressive...okay, a lot aggressive, and I'm sorry. I just want you to do better. I care about you Danny. I want you to be okay. Please, just talk to me."

Still no response.

I knock on the door again, this time louder. Still no response. What the hell? He would've said something by now. I try twisting the doorknob, and surprisingly, the door's unlocked, which concerns me. He always locks the door when taking showers. Why is this time any different?

I open the door, and what I see crumbles my entire world.

"Oh my god! Danny! DANNY!"

I Need You - Biadore (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now